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simple man

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Everything posted by simple man

  1. yea admins are clearly not being consistent with this one
  2. yes this is bohemia director Gape Horne here mr manhua and you can indeed kill someone if they are trying to blow up your house!
  3. thank you FILS Abdul Karim Azeem ! i will also paypal someone 10 great british pounds to be unbanned!!!
  4. i am indeed not going to be returning to gaming asylum any time soon sadly
  5. Denied, please seek assistance in blowing your brains out
  6. 808 is a real ass nigga
  7. +1 for comedy yes this is the swing! we are for sure not telling you to swing from a tree ! by your neck!!!!
  8. miss killing cops with the fellas man
  9. Hello @CaptRhett , I am sorry you took offence to my previous reply to your Domestic Abusers Application I wish you luck in future applications for different gangs here may be a gang you are more suited to join! good luck!
  10. denied , please seek assistance in blowing your brains out. please do not reapply
  11. sorry AFD Paramedic Copa your cut from the gold bar fields has been put on hold please message BBNB Customer support to free up your goop!
  12. no if you have not been banned for atleast 45 days please do not apply for Domestic Abusers™
  13. Denied , please do not re apply for Domestic Abusers™. thank you for your application ***NEW BBNB/DA POLICY IF YOU ARE WHITELISTED FOR APD PLEASE DO NOT BOTHER APPLYING RETARDS, THANK YOU***
  14. sheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeesh can i join ??????
  15. sorry man i just want to farm my gold bars dont know whos fighting cops im just tryna make a living
  16. looking to buy houses and more importantly garages next to the gold bar field theres one gang on the server that farms the gold bar field so no point in you holding on to your telos shit if you dont even use it
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