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FORMER Asylum Owner - old
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Everything posted by BaDaBiNg_10-8

  1. Just because you didn't use it, doesn't mean you didn't know.
  2. I'm sure you know all about it.
  3. "Millisecond pulse" is the word. I've recently aquired a few programs if you wanna check them out.
  4. Wow, looks like you're shooting on a bipod at 1:04
  5. Sell them on the market. Locked.
  6. Money is still in the AE, you just can't access it right now. Out of our hands, @bamf or @Paratus issue.
  7. AE is currently disabled. Will have to wait until it's back online.
  8. I hope everyone in the storm zone is safe and godspeed, serious note.
  9. Ok, do you guys wanna forfeit to allow Elysium to proceed?
  10. Paging Channel 4 news!!! We missed you guys at last weekends gang wars even though you guys were signed up. So, looking at the bracket right now, you would be facing Elysium on Saturday morning at around 10am to 11am PST. Need to know if you're team will be ready by tomorrow or we are going to skip you and Elysium will proceed on to the Semi-finals. Sorry for using the recruitment thread, but we tried getting ahold of you guys via PM's and Asylum TS.
  11. That church arms fight was Amazing. I would have laughed if you went 1 v 8.
  12. It's not cheats, tiger activates "beast mode."
  13. Prepare thy suicide vests and speedbombs.
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