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FORMER Asylum Owner - old
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Everything posted by BaDaBiNg_10-8

  1. Hey @Rogue.............what's long, hard, and full of semen? A Submarine!
  2. You claimed to be black for years, was that proven to be false? 🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️
  3. Brotherhood/Regiment, Envy, and Innovative!
  4. Your moms on life support after I beat them guts up last night, probably not gonna make it. Guess that means you have to move out of the basement and start supporting yourself, which means blow jobs on old men in the alley behind your local gas station.
  5. I might come back soon. Life’s too short to spend it glued to a computer screen. For the record @Mason is a good guy/admin, I was only giving him shit. I’m sure he will make a great CM. Congrats Mason.
  6. I would but your mom won’t leave. 🤷‍♂️
  7. There goes the neighborhood. Who’s making these decisions. Mason as a CM ? 🤣
  8. The only reason to change a gang name after the leader is banned is to reintegrate said banned leader under a new alias/account to avoid admin suspicion. Oldest trick in the book.
  9. You’re just saying “fax?” You’re even stupider than I originally thought. I use to have respect for Bamboo Union (when they weren’t hiding ban evaders) until they let you and Foxx in their ranks. Proceed to follow my previous instructions! You first Soyboy!
  10. We all know you’re mad that’s why you made that comment snowflake. Jump off a bridge.
  11. You’re cheating your ass off, please. I’ve seen hundreds of videos like this over the years. Guaranteed this guy is someone Asylum has banned in the past who has come back under a new alias. 🙃
  12. Discrimination. Reported
  13. Your skins are terrible. Neck 🤣 My dad doesn’t associate with third world trash.
  14. Would never expect you to be gay. 🤷‍♂️
  15. What’s up man. When I get a computer. 🤣
  16. I will leave you with this:
  17. The heading should say, “I’m retarded and I don’t deserve to play on Asylum.”
  18. BaDaBiNg_10-8

    Server 2

    I have that effect on people. It’s my manliness and fatherly qualities.
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