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Tusken Raider

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Everything posted by Tusken Raider

  1. Server: 1 House, Garage, Industrial Shed: House House Size(40k/70k/150k/220k): 70k Location (Town/DP#): DP14 Asking Price: Offer Description: A nice 70k house less than 1km from the heroin fields. Pictures/Video Walk-through: Server: 1 House, Garage, Industrial Shed: House House Size(40k/70k/150k/220k): 120k Location (Town/DP#): DP14 Asking Price: Offer Description: A nice 120k house only 640m from the heroin field Pictures/Video Walk-through:
  2. https://pastebin.com/renSCkTG Credit to Sugarfoot
  3. Are you saying officers only have to read one charge and then can send them to jail?
  4. First trailer is all bought assets, they’re a German company that isn’t registered as a company, they don’t show the proper documentation as they should for being a German company, and they’re using assets that strictly say they can’t be used in open MMOs.
  5. CIS lol couldn't finish engineering or CS, so you went to CIS and still couldn't finish that?
  6. Losing weight and getting in shape is not hard. It’s all mental if you are able to disipline yourself enough that you watch your calorie intake daily and motivate yourself to do some kind of exercise at home or at the gym the pounds will disappear.
  7. Who suppressed my evidence?
  8. Nope he would go behind the left side of you and above. Please compensate Midamaru for the price of his police helicopter and loadout. Otherwise you will receive a 3 day ban for vdm and 72 hour forum mod queue for showing a player in "negative light" and harassing him by calling him a terrorist.
  9. If you look closely you turned your tail into his path of flight. If you were to continue flying normally without moving your tail he would have gone beside you then above you.
  10. 350 pounds is almost equal to new 1080 price
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