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Retired Staff
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Everything posted by Subaru

  1. This is your warning! Keep this thread on topic. Recruiting purposes and not trash talking players or the gang. Any future violations may result in admin action taken, to include points on the forums. Thank You.
  2. Sufficient Evidence This post is to inform everyone what is considered sufficient evidence by the admins. Vehicular Death Match (VDM) - Roughly 10 seconds before the incident Combat Logging (CL) - FULL Screenshot of a player being downed and immediately disconnecting Combat Logging (CL) - Video showing a player being engaged in role play and using ESC suicide or disconnecting to avoid interaction Combat Logging (CL) - Video evidence of a player disconnecting after being killed and then immediately rejoining Random Death Match (RDM) - Video evidence showing 5 minutes prior to the RDM Exploiting - Clear video evidence of an exploit happening If you do not have sufficient evidence, you may still make a report to help support further reports on the player. The admin staff have the right to refuse taking action on any report. Reports MUST be filed within 72 hours of the incident.
  3. Locked, per OP's request.
  4. Happy Birthday Devil Dogs!! Rah!!
  5. Let's keep this thread on topic. This thread is for recruiting. Anymore flaming or posting derailing comments will be dealt with. This is your warning.
  6. This would be a good way to get blacklisted for compensation support.
  7. Just go around the island and network, start off with a couple guys, rob some people, I'd avoid recruiting in Kavala too.
  8. My first house - DP 25 - Bought it in 2014. Close run to rebel outpost
  9. Welcome back!!! It's always fun to play with you on the servers!! See you around!!
  10. Think of it as a chess game. The Queen is the most versatile piece. We can move around the board from anywhere. Protecting the King. The Queen of battle, Follow me!
  11. You will be missed buddy!! It was a pleasure to serve on the staff with you! Be safe brother!! Hail oh Hail the Infantry!!
  12. Nice!! I look forward to watching this!!
  13. This would be awesome. I've actually talked about this same thing to some higher ups in the APD. They had this feature on an Arma II life server, I used to play on.
  14. Congrats!!!! Kajun gonna be The Godfather?
  15. I did PCP in Kavala a few days ago... I can do more though!!!
  16. You guys want events? I don't mind doing some fun events. I know that some of the clean up scripts are broken, since some of the server updates, that's one reason there hasn't been too many events on lately. Then you have the ones that cry about experiencing lag on the servers and blame the events. Keep your eyes open for some events today and tomorrow!!
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