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  1. Bob Danaloo liked a post in a topic by Travis. in What tf happened   
    Jesus fucking Christ
  2. Farmer Steve liked a post in a topic by Travis. in What tf happened   
    Jesus fucking Christ
  3. 王 rando 王 liked a post in a topic by Travis. in Turning yourself in 100k+   
    You should be able to turn yourself in with a bounty over 100k if there are no active cops online.
  4. Ebola liked a post in a topic by Travis. in Turning yourself in 100k+   
    You should be able to turn yourself in with a bounty over 100k if there are no active cops online.
  5. Luke SwagWalker liked a post in a topic by Travis. in 10 Years of Drunk Squad   
    Mommy must not trust you to have your birth certificate yet
  6. tacos771 liked a post in a topic by Travis. in 10 Years of Drunk Squad   
    Mommy must not trust you to have your birth certificate yet
  7. Travis. liked a post in a topic by DS_Billy in 10 Years of Drunk Squad   
    So something rather special happened this month. Get ready for gayness.

    10 years ago @Drunk Devin @Travy @IndianapolisJones and some Asian wife beater we don't talk about anymore, came into asylum from another server and founded Drunk Squad.

    Since then, Drunk Squad has been lead by @Drunk Devin @PwnCake @Luke SwagWalker @Robb and myself.

    The first time i encountered Drunk Squad was late 2013, i came across a very drunken Indy and a very young Luke Swagwalker, i was swiftly roped into surrounding a police officer and torturing him to the point where we ended up taking over the kavala hq, where i was swiftly downed ziptied and sacraficed to mohammed by indy, by throwing me off the top of Kavala HQ.

    Since then, Drunk Squad has managed to keep its values in tact while also maintaining a fun safe place to play, upholding a family mentality that is incredibly hard to find elsewhere. We have always upheld simple values that are expected out of each and every one of the members that have come through the family. Play fair, uphold your integrity and torture the cops and anyone who is, in the words of luke swagwalker "Saltier than Nickis in the Ocean holding two salt shakers with the caps off". Gone are the days where we have 25 DS tags in the server list at one time during the glory days, but when we come together and take an interest in asylum we still manage to find inventive ways to fuck with people. Mainly cops.

    While other gangs on asylum have come and gone we have stayed as a staple. We take breaks off asylum, whilst always maintaining a presence there, but our community has always been here since we were founded. We have since spread into different games to try and scratch the itch that not playing a 10 year old asylum leaves.

    A personal note from me, we have had many people come and go but the core has stayed the same. You lot have made sitting down in front of the pc and having the honor to log into TeamSpeak and hang out, an absolute pleasure. I have watched some of you go from single, to in a relationship, to married, to having kids. I am so proud of the people you guys have become and i love each and every one of you. People have joined Drunk Squad with the intention of splitting us up and they have never succeeded. Blood is thicker than water. Fuck em.
    A note to everybody else. 

    There is no other gang out there on asylum that remotely gets close to the success that Drunk Squad has achieved within Asylum. Although we only managed to win one Gang Wars, (Gang wars 7). We have managed to stay together for 10 years whilst annoying the fuck out of anybody who's allowed themselves to get salty. We are a different breed of human in here. We've had Jew, muslim, mormon, British, American, Norwegian, French, Canadian, Indian, Mexican, African, Black, White many other nationalities and Ebola. We all rip the shit out of eachother for our differences and it makes us closer. Drunk Squad is a great lesson for how not getting offended at anything can bring people closer. You will never be able to troll us more than we can troll you, cause we truly don't give a shit, a reaction is all we ever want out of you virgins, and if you're reading this and hating, thankyou for proving my point you dribbling retards.

    In closing, i dont know how the online presence of our family ends if ever, who knows maybe the next generation of Drunk Squad littleuns will be playing ear rape music at cops in arma 5, but i know that the family itself will never die.

    Happy Birthday to us lads and ladies. Here's to another 10 years. 

    Bring it on fuckers. 
  8. Remorse liked a post in a topic by Travis. in APD started Federal Event   
    Whenever the APD  arrest a bounty worth 250k or more, SGT+ have the ability to start a federal event with said person. The person gets a yes/no consent popup if they would like to participate.
    Event would work very similarly to shipping robbery, going from the HQ to the prison (Pyrgos and air HQ excluded). Delay before prisoner transport spawns (Hemtt), potentially higher spawn timer for higher bounties (similar to shipping, IE 250-499k=3 minutes, 500k-750k=5, 1m+=10)
    Successfully driving it to prison give the APD a % of bounty bonus divided by officers online
    Securing the transport as a rebel and driving it to a rebel outpost frees the prisoner and rewards the bonus % in cash to the rebels.
    Destroying the vehicle ends the event with no rewards for either side.
    The prisoner sticking around or not does not affect the event, event is based around the vehicle that spawns and they are free to disconnect if they would like.
    If they stick around, their prison time starts when the event does (time served) and if they get rescued they are free with their existing bounty. If they disconnect (or decline yes/no popup) they are sent to prison as normal.
  9. Remorse liked a post in a topic by Travis. in APD started Federal Event   
    With additional reward for successful event, not sure how you would figure 0 reward. Might have been unclear but you still get the original bounty either way (already secured prisoner). Also, obviously up to devs/ext to fine tune it, ext... just giving a better suggestion than 'uhhh, add a cop bank'
    As for 'no rebel would say yes to this', that doesn't matter, if you read it. Some people would, some wouldn't. Doesn't affect the event... more so just gives it a spawn condition rather than something spammed whenever there are more than 12 cops on.
  10. 王 rando 王 liked a post in a topic by Travis. in Search indicator   
    These are things that are supposed to be indicated to the civs anyways, so shouldn't change gameplay. When you are searched by an officer while restrained, it should give you a popup (your character can tell when they are frisked+they are supposed to inform you when they do)
    When your vehicle is searched within  eyesight (~50m), it should give a popup. If you are in cop restraints, it should give at any range.
  11. Stretch liked a post in a topic by Travis. in Search indicator   
    These are things that are supposed to be indicated to the civs anyways, so shouldn't change gameplay. When you are searched by an officer while restrained, it should give you a popup (your character can tell when they are frisked+they are supposed to inform you when they do)
    When your vehicle is searched within  eyesight (~50m), it should give a popup. If you are in cop restraints, it should give at any range.
  12. Farmer Steve liked a post in a topic by Travis. in Search indicator   
    These are things that are supposed to be indicated to the civs anyways, so shouldn't change gameplay. When you are searched by an officer while restrained, it should give you a popup (your character can tell when they are frisked+they are supposed to inform you when they do)
    When your vehicle is searched within  eyesight (~50m), it should give a popup. If you are in cop restraints, it should give at any range.
  13. Reaper liked a post in a topic by Travis. in Search indicator   
    These are things that are supposed to be indicated to the civs anyways, so shouldn't change gameplay. When you are searched by an officer while restrained, it should give you a popup (your character can tell when they are frisked+they are supposed to inform you when they do)
    When your vehicle is searched within  eyesight (~50m), it should give a popup. If you are in cop restraints, it should give at any range.
  14. Pladimir Vutin liked a post in a topic by Travis. in Search indicator   
    These are things that are supposed to be indicated to the civs anyways, so shouldn't change gameplay. When you are searched by an officer while restrained, it should give you a popup (your character can tell when they are frisked+they are supposed to inform you when they do)
    When your vehicle is searched within  eyesight (~50m), it should give a popup. If you are in cop restraints, it should give at any range.
  15. Stretch liked a post in a topic by Travis. in APD started Federal Event   
    Whenever the APD  arrest a bounty worth 250k or more, SGT+ have the ability to start a federal event with said person. The person gets a yes/no consent popup if they would like to participate.
    Event would work very similarly to shipping robbery, going from the HQ to the prison (Pyrgos and air HQ excluded). Delay before prisoner transport spawns (Hemtt), potentially higher spawn timer for higher bounties (similar to shipping, IE 250-499k=3 minutes, 500k-750k=5, 1m+=10)
    Successfully driving it to prison give the APD a % of bounty bonus divided by officers online
    Securing the transport as a rebel and driving it to a rebel outpost frees the prisoner and rewards the bonus % in cash to the rebels.
    Destroying the vehicle ends the event with no rewards for either side.
    The prisoner sticking around or not does not affect the event, event is based around the vehicle that spawns and they are free to disconnect if they would like.
    If they stick around, their prison time starts when the event does (time served) and if they get rescued they are free with their existing bounty. If they disconnect (or decline yes/no popup) they are sent to prison as normal.
  16. Pladimir Vutin liked a post in a topic by Travis. in APD started Federal Event   
    Whenever the APD  arrest a bounty worth 250k or more, SGT+ have the ability to start a federal event with said person. The person gets a yes/no consent popup if they would like to participate.
    Event would work very similarly to shipping robbery, going from the HQ to the prison (Pyrgos and air HQ excluded). Delay before prisoner transport spawns (Hemtt), potentially higher spawn timer for higher bounties (similar to shipping, IE 250-499k=3 minutes, 500k-750k=5, 1m+=10)
    Successfully driving it to prison give the APD a % of bounty bonus divided by officers online
    Securing the transport as a rebel and driving it to a rebel outpost frees the prisoner and rewards the bonus % in cash to the rebels.
    Destroying the vehicle ends the event with no rewards for either side.
    The prisoner sticking around or not does not affect the event, event is based around the vehicle that spawns and they are free to disconnect if they would like.
    If they stick around, their prison time starts when the event does (time served) and if they get rescued they are free with their existing bounty. If they disconnect (or decline yes/no popup) they are sent to prison as normal.
  17. Reias liked a post in a topic by Travis. in APD started Federal Event   
    Whenever the APD  arrest a bounty worth 250k or more, SGT+ have the ability to start a federal event with said person. The person gets a yes/no consent popup if they would like to participate.
    Event would work very similarly to shipping robbery, going from the HQ to the prison (Pyrgos and air HQ excluded). Delay before prisoner transport spawns (Hemtt), potentially higher spawn timer for higher bounties (similar to shipping, IE 250-499k=3 minutes, 500k-750k=5, 1m+=10)
    Successfully driving it to prison give the APD a % of bounty bonus divided by officers online
    Securing the transport as a rebel and driving it to a rebel outpost frees the prisoner and rewards the bonus % in cash to the rebels.
    Destroying the vehicle ends the event with no rewards for either side.
    The prisoner sticking around or not does not affect the event, event is based around the vehicle that spawns and they are free to disconnect if they would like.
    If they stick around, their prison time starts when the event does (time served) and if they get rescued they are free with their existing bounty. If they disconnect (or decline yes/no popup) they are sent to prison as normal.
  18. Travis. liked a post in a topic by Stretch in N/A   
    Free Plad

  19. Travis. liked a post in a topic by Pladimir Vutin in N/A   
    Akula pls un timeout me
  20. Slime liked a post in a topic by Travis. in N/A   
    H0owdy guys
  21. Pladimir Vutin liked a post in a topic by Travis. in N/A   
    H0owdy guys
  22. Travis. liked a post in a topic by Slime in N/A   
    Great weather we're having @Akula.
  23. Travis. liked a post in a topic by Slime in N/A   
  24. Travis. liked a post in a topic by Pladimir Vutin in N/A   
    Me when I get banned on discord for 24hrs for sending 
  25. Travis. liked a post in a topic by Ebola in Gear/Variants   
    Messing around in the  Virtual Arsenal for a few. Would like to see if any of these options can be added for both rebels/APD UC.
    1. Special Purpose Suit (Green Hex & Hex) make this a 25k-45k price tag and only stackable with load-bearing vests only that do not add any additional armor value (I.E. LBV Vest, Grenadier Vest). The suit is equivalent to wearing CSAT Coveralls with a just a hint more of protection and less than or equal to pilot cov/tac vest combo. **Could also be an additional suit that can withstand radiation.** (SEE PIC BELOW) 2. For those that have the Light Combat Helmet unlocked, please add the rest of the camo variants that are avaiable please. 3. Press vest = Same armor value as Police Tac vest. (Maybe make it buyable with blood money only for rebels & not stackable with granits/coveralls) 4. Ghost Hawks. I know this topic has been visited before but if the pawnee can be added for 500m, why not add ghost hawks for 500k or something along the lines of that. Orca still has better armor rating than the Ghost Hawks and glass can be penetrated with 7.62/6.5mm
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