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Posts posted by Donk

  1. 4 hours ago, Crossfade said:

    But its supposed to be end game content....





    apart from every man and his dog is tier 2-3 already

    Thats because the event was so one sided for cops the only way to even do the event is to grab every man, woman, and child to group up and be a body bag. Which in turn promoted a lot of server wide participation and mingling of the community.


    12 hours ago, Wutang said:

    Not saying Nikolai’s doesn’t need some changes to make it harder for cops to get their coins but cops prestige tokens are comparatively weaker than civs. The strongest thing cops got was an RPK which is LT+ and the majority of cops only get to use the CMR. Throw a couple suppressors in there too. Absolutely nothing game breaking while civs tokens allow them to acquire weapons that can one shot an ifirt/pen towers or acquire a suicide vest that sets off a nuclear bomb. If you can’t see why the changes to national were made and the direction the server would go if every civ had these tokens you’re actually brain dead. 

    Nikolai's is extremely easier to receive your token on cop than it is for a civ to get theirs from NHQ. You pretty much are guaranteed the token for 1mil and all thats required to start the event for you is a drill. We have to gather all computer parts, spend 13mil to max out our prestige, and complete a much harder event that also takes 3x as long to complete. So unless you already have the funds to buy all prestige tiers, and enough liquid cash to buy the cheapest of the guns(zaf, mar10); most people wont even be able to get all the tiers let alone use the unlockables.

    Now it requires even more cops, takes longer, and drops 8 tokens in total. In what way is that fair?

    Crossfade likes this
  2. @Fitzcan we have confirmation about the tokens? is it just free for all on who can grab tokens first? that just makes it to where people are just going to ignore the event to be at the vault as soon as it opens. Theres no gang on the server that has close to enough members to do the event without making a server wide group. Especially when it now requires 14 cops for the vault and a majority of the time there are 18-20 on a heavily cop sided event unless a server wide group is made.

  3. 28 minutes ago, Knight05 said:

     RIP national you had a good run.

    Its already hard enough as is to get the 11 needed for vault. now no one is gonna want to do it.

    also vehicle processor taking a cut is whack.

  4. 29 minutes ago, Patato said:

    Simply put, the data showed that players weren't leaving Kavala, which meant they weren't experiencing about 90% of the asylum's content. Many players would log into Kavala, play intensely for a week or two, and then quit. They rarely joined gangs or formed their own groups, and there was little to no participation in AFD/APD, which are essentially starter gangs.

    However, when players moved to Athira, they became more engaged with the content. There was a noticeable decrease in VDM/RDM incidents in Kavala, and more players started applying to join the APD/AFD since they were exposed to these factions (which don't exist in Kavala).

    While RDM/VDM reports in Athira did increase somewhat, it wasn't as significant as the drop in reports from Kavala. New players tended to stick around longer, often starting in Athira and then moving to slower-paced cities like Sofia or Pyrgos. In contrast, players who started in Kavala often struggled to adapt or simply didn't move away from the city, except for those who spawned in Kavala a couple of times before opting for a Sofia start.

    Unfortunately, I no longer have access to the current reports, so I can't provide up-to-date numbers. With an Athira start, retention would drop again after about a month, likely due to the limited availability of housing. Additionally, some players would attempt content like the Purification Factory prematurely, leading to frustrations and rage quits.

    Athira offered more activities for new players, such as safe options like Quarry, both oil runs, lumber mills, alcohol, and hunting. Its central location also made it easier for players to move to cities like Pyrgos once they had enough money for housing. In Pyrgos, many players would engage in sea turtles as it was a safer way to make money.

    The lack of APD interaction in Kavala was also a significant factor. Many players are drawn to servers for the cop vs. robber dynamic and the ability to roleplay with the police. However, in Kavala, officers were rarely seen, if ever. Bounties were usually handled by bounty hunters rather than cops engaging in roleplay.

    While I could provide more statistics, the poll already indicates that players generally prefer a Kavala start despite the data I've collected. It's worth noting that players who find a group to play with, whether it's a gang or the APD/AFD, tend to stick around longer and become long-term players, which is ultimately what we want.

    In essence, my theory was that a single player who stayed for months was more valuable than ten players who logged in briefly to cause chaos in Kavala.

    I think without the data as players, myself included, we think of kavala being the main city because it was for so long etc but if the data backs up Athira being more of a positive for new players over kavala then im inclined to go with the data.

  5. 17 minutes ago, Jr4life24 said:

    Honestly, those who have been dealing with me over the past few years should know that I've preached a pretty consistent message.

    • This is a light RP server, not a wasteland server.
    • Relevant communication
    • A push away from favoritism to involve more of the community

    It honestly feels like the longer I've been a part of this community, and as someone who's assisting in leading the APD, it feels like those three points feel further away than they did when I first got here. I've been an active Captain for 1.5 years and an active player for 4-5 years and personally speaking, some of the decisions that I've seen been pushed through I do not agree with and have made it very clear that it would do more harm than good. I'm not perfect by any means, but I do try and strive to strike a good balance between ensuring the APD is not a punching bag for the server and making sure the APD isn't too overpowered on a normal day-by-day basis.


    First - There is no more incentive for people to grind on S1 since the creation of Dom. Many of the cartel gangs that would hold cartels, do payouts, etc now just play dom to get their money and harass cops. "Why fight for a cartel when I can just sit on dom for 2 hours and make 500k-1.2m" ~A quote from a member of a large gang. With that type of money coming in, people don't worry about the passive cartel money anymore, or even go to feds to make money but just to kill cops. The second there are 4 or more cops, we get turned into a QRF force that has to sit here and respond every 20 minutes to some new event. This, in turn, has made a lot of cops frustrated as a whole due to events now becoming the main part of the APD and not the roleplay, thus most of us go straight lethals now to finish the event quickly to go back out and patrol for what little time we do have. 

    I've personally suggested a much longer cooldown in between federal events but instead had a "security measures" feature implemented to raise the cops required per successful federal event. (Which has done nothing.) We currently have 10 federal events (With 3 being added in the last 3 months.) While the variety is nice we want to get out, patrol, etc and not be strung along from fed event to fed event. Part of this is the reason why I've calmed down on my playtime myself, I used to play 50-80 hours but now I can barely push to 20 a month because between 12 pm-10 pm it's just non-stop federal events from a gang. Personally speaking, my longest play sessions have been the nights that there is the least amount of events going on.

    We're told that we have to be punching bags, and have been for god knows how long now as Civ v Civ life has died down. Due to that we've had to implement policy/benefits to allow the APD leadership to try and push things more in the cop favor to keep our cops playing longer, as it's been stated time after time again. "Increased cop playtime = Increased civ count." A lot of these benefits that you've seen us use, I barely have even used them myself other than a handful of times. The Marshall is a joke, the ghost hawk that I've gotten to use once and it was pretty mid, "being able to break the GB whenever" I think I've done 3-to 4 times to send people to jail because their language was getting out of hand and once on an entire gang because they were spamming events as a group of 8-10 vs 3-4 cops.


    Second - In terms of communication, it's sporadic, to say the least. As of recently with the last two patches that have come out, the two "regular" captains get cliff-notes of what is going to happen and are expected to write a policy without even understanding the full scale of an event or update. The last update was a 12-17 hour heads up, (Given at 8 pm est and the update went live around 4 pm.) 

    When there has been discussions around potential balances etc, and I've asked for information about it I'm told. "Sorry you're not an admin so I can't share that information with you" and expected to decide on not having all of the facts which sometimes leads me to the wrong answer without knowing.


    Lastly - when it comes to favoritism it feels like it happens more and more with zero attempt to stop it.

    • When discussing the APD leadership team, and certain gangs holding 50% or more of the staff positions, I've been told "It's natural and should be expected." When I attempt to regulate by blocking those who may not be good candidates but were voted in by their friends, I'm either outvoted or the rest of the staff team goes in an uproar over it.
    • I've been told that "I am not allowed to talk about x staff member because you did something similar." But when a similar situation came up for a different staff member, I was allowed to openly discuss. I was primarily blocked on the first conversation because that original staff member was a friend of the Captain.
    • We've allowed an APD staff member to hold a "retired" status 2 months early, Doing only 4 out of 6 active months because of his affiliation with the captains/admin team. 

    And honestly, I'll go out and say it. Both myself and Djmon had actively mentioned/fought for @DarkKnight to be the current chief of police, but it instead was given to Austin M because of his affiliation with HunterB and told "We believe he's deserving of this position over DK" (The guy who is highly regarded as one of the true captains for the APD that has respect from a large group of the player base.) Ever since then, the communication between Captains and SA's have fallen dramatically. Instead of a "Hey let's open a discussion and talk about XYZ." Now it's "Hey I already talked to the SAs and agreed upon this going forward." Meaning that if I were to contribute or have a conflicting opinion, it instantly become a 4v1 or 4v2 as they all had aligned themselves prior.


    I do love this community, and the people that I've met and interacted with but as someone in active leadership, there's a lot of frustration that I deal with because of the shadow games that are played between friends and some of it has made me lose respect for my peers/"bosses" and to a point has started to make me less involved with the community as I've seen my opinion not be valued anymore now that the friend group up top has the majority. I've tried my best and I'm not perfect by any means but some of these issues could have been avoided by choosing who was right for the role instead of who we wanted.

    It really shows that not only do us civs see the bias of the APD higher ups from the third point of view, but to also have someone to be almost as high as you can go in the APD and also feel the same way speaks volumes on the issue. Sorry to hear internally its also been a cluster fuck.

    JimJim, Louie and Jr4life24 like this
  6. The issues with asylum have nothing to do with the everyday players of the server. It all boils down to the current admin team+. Its been a bunch of crybaby losers that just take what little power they have finally gotten in life and turn the other cheek when their gang member is in the wrong or they ban everyone else for the smallest thing. 

    Admins should not be allowed to be in any gang but one composed of only admins. The bias that comes with sucking bananas off is too great.

    DipSchmidt, 王 rando 王 and GravL like this
  7. On 11/20/2022 at 7:05 PM, mucker said:

    In game Name: mucker  .

    Hours (screenshot): 2.2k hours https://gyazo.com/e93b227c178746c29cbfe78bb21d0c03

    Do you have any experience fighting? (cartels, federal events, etc): yes

    Any Vouches? no

    Previous gangs: Stone Island, Insurgents, Space Force V2, Dark Horse, Humble Gamers, Floppy Lobsters, Spetsnaz, asphyxiate.

    How active will you be? ill play almost everyday on afternoons

    Why did I not get a notification for this and it never showed up until today like two weeks later lol

  8. 2 hours ago, Sandwich said:

    It's a police force. We've gotta have at least a few things that the civilian population can't have. You know... "Government issued equipment that's heavily regulated."

    If only this logic worked both ways but look at us now, cops rolling up in frits over and over until theres 17 of them stacked on the bank walls

  9. 6 hours ago, John Adams said:

    Finally a way to get rid of bots and inactive players. But mostly Bot accounts. I know a lot of people who have alts just to buy more real estate and give themselves keys

    Finally someone who uses their brain. The amount of people with alts for the sole reason of having more real estate is an issue. Even with it being a bannable offense it doesn't stop people from doing it.

    Crossfade and lukee like this
  10. 14 hours ago, King said:

    Good idea in theory but you'd be surprised how many "good houses" are actually owned by people who play more than your suggested time requirement per month.  This won't have as big an impact as you think it would.

    Sure let them keep their houses that's no big deal. This is really just a way to renovate the outdated system currently in place. The time requirement is not meant to be a hinderance to most people that do play. Just meant as a way to clean up the housing from the ones that don't play and do just log in to tap houses and not log in again for 30 days. Hell even if we just limited the housing cap from 5->3 would open up 40% of the real estate on the island for people. Since we only have 1 server these days we need a revamp in some positive way even if its not my suggestion. Too many small brains out here downvoting 🙃

    Crossfade likes this
  11. 3 minutes ago, Spanky2060 said:

    stop whining just because your ass doesn't know how to look for houses doesn't mean they are not out there.

    I literally bought a house 100m from purification factory on the market. They are there, you are just lazy!

    I know its not 100m away since i know who owns all houses inside the circle so nice try on bragging about your shit house. Also once again this post is not about me and my personal houses. Bunch of morons I swear.

    Crossfade likes this
  12. 1 hour ago, Aristant said:

    Housing has nothing to do with player pop currently, there are plenty of sheds, houses, garages for sale by owner, and unclaimed around the world.

    What are you smoking? There are no sheds or garages being sold via the realtor in game and every shed/garage that is being sold by a player is being sold for a ridiculous amount solely for the reason because it is a shed. Also unclaimed?? what are you on, just about everything is owned on the island.

  13. 1 hour ago, Aristant said:

    No matter how you look at it theres gonna be a simple way to get around whatever pointless implementations get put in.

    10 hrs a month? Sheesh m8, but if its necessary people will open arma 3 and leave it on in the background while they play another game.

    logout timer? Okay turn a auto clicker on or auto keyboard to do something every x time.


    I started asylum in 2017, 2018? I farmed like a hog for a pretty long time. So because I got burnt out in that time frame and want to take a break and play casually you are saying the OG's should lose their houses?


    Why dont you just farm 20m like I and others did to buy the houses they want or sheds? 

    I was also able to just walk around cities where people were selling these really expensive high sought after houses, and would find unclaimed ones ALL the time, and this is when the server was at max pop. I found meth houses right next to the circle & garages. Just seems like an issue with the player, not the game. Lazy bones.


    Theres ALOT of other things the dev's could do,add, or fix in their freelance time here, rather than this lol. You will just make all the OG's leave, I know if i had to re-do what i have already spent 1500+ hours on, I would leave permanently too lol.

    Time and what I have here keeps me on this server, If i didnt have those things I would go to Olympus..or be done in general.

    You're missing the point here. Fixing housing has nothing to do with taking anything away from "OG's" as I am one of them nor is it about me personally not having enough money to buy any house I want given I have 20mil. This is solely about fixing a broken system that prevents new players or active players from accessing a major aspect of the server. Regardless of when someone started or what someone farmed if they don't play and only log on for 5 minutes a month because they want to keep a house; do you think that person should be allowed to keep hoarding houses? 

    This has nothing to do with my housing situation, I have a perfect setup for me to make money and do what I want. This is a suggestion to fix a system that hinders new player retention and honestly active players too.

    We only have 1 server now, its not like when we had 5 servers at max pop and it was popping. Now its dead but yet you have to be extremely lucky to find a house anywhere. We have people logging 20 minutes over a 90 day period. 

    If you aren't currently playing and your only interaction with asylum is through the forums then you have no clue what the game is currently like for those that do play.

    How many new players do you think we potentially lose because they aren't able to buy a house and utilize that part of the server?

    As @Crossfadesaid your backwards ass thinking can fuck off as far as I'm concerned.

    Crossfade likes this
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