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APD Corporal
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Everything posted by Term

  1. Term

    Change log 7.5.1

    Damn guys you really showed them didn't you +1 for great cops
  2. why would I say it to everyone if the only people who talk shit is either you or signal we never talk shit to any of the gangs we fight even if we win a fight or if we lose one and calling people "rats" is not in good fun but what ever
  3. lol calls us rats while I haven't seen you once at a cartel I can't speak for the rest of your gang but you and signal are literal garbage go crawl under the rocks you guys came from not salty about the suicide vest gg on that, just retarded how you called us rats
  4. I was just stating what was going on you don't have to be a sarcastic prick about it.
  5. RIP servers haven't been able to play for a couple of hours now
  6. Yeah it's pretty bad
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