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APD Officer
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Everything posted by Aabrams

  1. https://gyazo.com/fc25035ef30434c207a78e1566738448 so your saying i cant reach 20 mil prestige....what has this game become.)
  2. Aabrams

    EVE Online

    Dam bring back some memories. Have not played in a good while. I have some old Footage of The battle of 6vdt. Test alliance vs. goons. Oh yeah fuck goons BTW. Lol good memories. Probably the Largest battle in eve history at the time. I miss Null sec..........
  3. Aabrams


    i know the feeling.......dam punk kids....
  4. it may feel like an minute but in actuality its more like 1.8764532456 seconds.
  5. Bully the Legend will never be forgetten.
  6. hahahah LOVED IT>>>WELL DONE! Glad to be First. the rest wont be so easy as the word is out that you wanting to talk about your bounty is a trick..........GG well played. Cadet survived and revived. oh yea ITS Aabrams Not Abarams lol.
  7. Dam the luck...Just when i thought there might be a chance.
  8. Exactly!! Have a sense of humor....)
  9. OR maybe just Maybe If (typeOF _unit == "o_Bik_stoCK_02_heavily_Armed_GG" && _hitbox == "Deerstand") then { _unit sethit ["bik_stock_02_heavily_armed_GG", (_unit gethit "Bik_stock_02_heavily_Armed_GG_head") +0.25 ]; };
  10. I find your whole existence offensive. Worst mini montage ever. 100% would not watch again. L2p. ggwp
  11. I like this guy lol!! Enjoyed it. Made me laugh.
  12. Insufficient evidence! Aboooooose of Lethals.....confirmed.......
  13. 3 minutes im just not getting back......cringeworthy bro.....My daughters favorite song....she is 13....lol please stop.....lol did not enjoy. haha
  14. Nathan is the epitomy of "the Dream". "Stay gold, Ponyboy. Stay gold"
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