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Dust Runner

APD Corporal
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Everything posted by Dust Runner

  1. Just remember. If you implement anything people will play the server for 24 hours straight and buy as much money as possible to achieve whatever it is they want. Don't be The Divison and not take into account the min-maxers on the release of a groundbreaking game/update.
  2. lmao. I hope everyone here knows just because a few people on the forums want something doesn't mean Paratus thinks it would be healthy for the servers in general, or his own vision of the server he wants to nurture. One thing I really, REALLY want to come back is the market having a lot more wiggle room for group runs. I mean, I did a meth run with like 8 guys a month-ish ago and 5-6 HEMMT boxes. Meth went down to about 25-30% the price from the original price when it was about a hundred dollars above it's original price. I mean, 5 HEMMT box trucks is a lot of meth, but I mean, not being able to sell it for more than cocaine considering the work put in afterwards? I suggest a cap to how far down the market can go that would reduce the price noticeably but not make it just god awful and make you not even want to sell. I really want to see some more group gameplay available to people that want to do their money making together. A lot of the communities issues would be resolved from just making money in the same, "boring," fashion, but when you have friends to shit around with and having a target on your back from cops and stuff can be really fun. But when you get a group together and take those risks, the reward system is --- honestly I would say as far as faulty --- because it just soaks up money like a vacuum collects dust. (pun intended) Group play should not be punished so harshly when doing highly risky activities. Not obviously out the ass payment, but not making a group run worthless for the person that isn't the 1st seller.
  3. No more tanks please. We just got away from vehicle tanks. I still have PTSD from the old Orcas before the nerf.
  4. Cop coveralls look cool, good on whoever made them. But for reals. Lmao. Ay I mean, your making good progress towards having a good system that doesn't violate BI's ToS. Guess we're just children again having to try every loophole around something until we either get away with it, (not gonna happen) or learn the hard way. GL.
  5. I loathe being a broken record but can the searching script for police on Server #5/Tanoa be fixed soon? @bamf It just reads "Searching..." infinitely and never works. It allows for the exploitation of the parole system as well via not being able to check someone is on parole... Pluz help.
  6. When searching anyone, with any characters in their name, meaning no discrimination, it is unable to be done by any rank tested and confirmed. Searching vehicle trunks still works fine. When searching someone it continues such as, 'Searching..." with a black text dialogue and never actually works, it just continues infinitely until you move far enough away or another notifcation takes over, assuming your in the radius still, allowing it to keep infinitely searching with no results. @bamf
  7. I feel like anyone playing Asylum for over a year becomes an asshole or some enlightened god. Example, Buckwalter for god. Example, me for dick.
  8. Or you just became an asshole. Probably that. Highest pardon for my bounty was in the 250k range.
  9. When is searching being fixed? It's honestly impairing cop majorly right now and has done so for almost a week.
  10. *clears throat* I've never done anything of the sort. >_>
  11. +1 let's just make sure the new green po7 comes to bounty hunters not rebel bases.
  12. Every player. All characters. No character in their name was preventing me from doing it. It is just purely all people are unable to be searched.
  13. Searching someones person is broken on Tanoa. It just keeps, "Searching..." infinitely.
  14. Dunno why everyone's gotta harp on the Wings. It's not just career cops not wanting civs to have shit. Plenty of us play quite a lot of civilian. It's just not knowing where you've been shot from impacts any player's experience negatively for the most part. Cops are required to roleplay with anyone they down using any weapon 9mm silenced or not, and inherently are at a disadvantage in combat most of the time because of the policies built around them to make the server a fun and friendly place to be. A civ can send you a text hands up or die, shoot you if you don't comply from some retarded location, and you will actually know nothing about what hit you other than the name of the person who just offed you. Being shot from somewhere, not knowing where it came from, and text messages being apart of Asylum's relaxed roleplay style. These are reasons silencers are not added. This goes double for 5.56, and not only that but if you want silencers go kidnap and roleplay with some cops in a decent manner. Guarantee you'll get a po7 with a silencer pretty fast.
  15. @Bikstok for the original idea because of that really old video. <3
  16. What's your stance on boat garages specifically on a straight axis to each other connecting every medium to large island? Would honestly be pretty good for the server IMO. Imagine transferring land cargo, to boat cargo, back to land cargo to do things. Especially if its illegal things. Sounds pretty fun and would keep people in the action not alt-tabbed while their friend drives them around in a circle to get to a very inconvenient garage location.
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