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Everything posted by Vash

  1. Vash

    New Huge Update?

    It's 5 am here. I need to be up in 3 hours to study, but instead I'm watching a girl chug a bottle of ketchup over the internet. I really need to get my shit together
  2. Vash

    New Huge Update?

    I like it how everyone's telling her to stop, and then there's olio, jiga and hap donating so she finishes the bottle lol
  3. Vash

    New Huge Update?

    She's almost finished with the ketchup bottle and didnt even gag once...
  4. Vash

    New Huge Update?

    lol Im amazed, didnt even know this was a thing
  5. Vash

    New Huge Update?

    @Jigawatt What the fuck is she eating right now?
  6. Vash

    New Huge Update?

    "In another news, Asylum raids twitch channel and makes girl eat ketchup"
  7. The laugh is what gets me lol
  8. Vash

    New Huge Update?

    What we think they're doing: What they're actually doing:
  9. We don't really care/need people like you here.
  10. Vash

    Guyz it's a trap

    More bulletpoints = less loopholes, I guess? I don't know, I'm not the right person to answer that lol
  11. Vash

    Guyz it's a trap

    Well, I'm sure they have their reasons. It doesn't really bother me in any way
  12. Vash

    Guyz it's a trap

    Hmmmm, i don't think so. They probably caught people spawning money and then selling it.
  13. Vash

    Guyz it's a trap

    Yeah, how am I supposed buy hacks now?
  14. I mean, they didn't discover a new color but rather how to reproduce it
  15. Vash

    3k arma hours?

    Yeah man, he's been playing Arma3 for the past 34 years non-stop
  16. Just managed to join. I think it's up
  17. Admins don't have any power over that. Server's probably getting hard DDOS'ed. Just be patient like everyone else.
  18. Good shots Do you use Sony Vegas?
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