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Gang Fort Rebel Camping


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A large issue with gang fort is rebel camping. The whole idea of gang fort is to fight at the gang fort, not kill nakeds at rebel. It is hard to create a rule that prohibits all rebel camping so I propose a second option. 

Create a rebel that is only active during the time that gang fort is up

- This rebel would either be a green zone or a safe zone during the 1 hour time limit of the gang fort

- Only active during gang fort

This allows more gangs to fight gang fort and gives smaller gangs more of a chance to gear during gang fort. 

Panda, Djmon, skimancole and 4 others like this
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I agree tbh that rebels should be un-campable during gang fort. Really ruins the entire fight. Happened today and there's technically no rule that prohibits the uninvolved gang. I'd actually like a full on Gang Fort rule clarification by an SA as it's always causing issues.

The gang fort rebel is a nice idea though because it would be super easy to moderate vs the regular rebels and having to tell randoms to leave rebel. It would also make it impossible to camp rebel and having to constantly moderate gangs camping who are also involved.


Only issue is making it where ONLY the gangs who are fighting gang fort can use it, so it's not abused. Maybe after a certain amount of points held it can be used to prove you're fighting? Or maybe it's just reportable if you aren't fighting.


This man has my full support. This would make all the drama mostly disappear @ObiWoki @RoguePilot

operatorjohnny^ and william like this
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36 minutes ago, operatorjohnny^ said:

A large issue with gang fort is rebel camping. The whole idea of gang fort is to fight at the gang fort, not kill nakeds at rebel. It is hard to create a rule that prohibits all rebel camping so I propose a second option. 

Create a rebel that is only active during the time that gang fort is up

- This rebel would either be a green zone or a safe zone during the 1 hour time limit of the gang fort

- Only active during gang fort

This allows more gangs to fight gang fort and gives smaller gangs more of a chance to gear during gang fort. 


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