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[Suggestion] Automatically add Gang Tags to Members

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Very simple.

Instead of having the tag added via your ArmA profile, why don't gang tags work similar to the "Police Cadet xxx".  Essentially when you create a new gang at your house, when you enter the gang name you also have a prompt to enter the gang tag (up to 5 characters) that would then be placed in front of your name.

Ex. If you wrote: "[-ß-]" in the box it would result in [-ß-] Ranger

This would be automatically applied.  Then there is no more bitching about no gang tags or issues with initiation with gangs.



Edited by Ranger
Don, Rag, Teddy_ and 13 others like this
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10 hours ago, Anonymou5 said:

Would be cool although there are gangs such as mine that do not want their newly recruited members to have the tags as they are on "trial"

Maybe they could implement the ranking system to determine the tag. So the lowest rank, recruit, wouldn't have the tag.

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Also while on the topic of this, you can also make it so the [Alpha 1-3] for example in front of names when someone types in sidechat, gets replaced by the Group/Gang name the person is in.

So instead of it being [Bravo 2-3] Haych in sidechat, it will be, [Method] Haych. Its a cool little thing to make sidechat look cleaner.

Furnie Mack likes this
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