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So I heard Kuklinski has been banned...

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A man shunned for his ideals, his attitude, his very way of life.

Fred was a complicated man, a man who wasn't afraid to insult devran at every available opportunity, who never hesitated to unleash a torrent of abuse the likes that would make a sailor blush, and who would undoubtedly play outside the fed every time and eventually get downed.

Totalling more bans than the rest of Asylum put together, Fred represented an ideal. An ideal that deep down, we all have a bit of good inside us, no matter how many people Fred slew, or how many times I was convinced he was a real serial killer, he always knew how to make people laugh. That's the man we all know and loved.

And his body may be gone, his forum account may be gone, his very existence could be wiped from Asylum, but he'd still be with us. With every push at arms, with every ifrit drop, with every mention of Bad Blood and Envy, Kuklinski will live on in the hearts of the men and women who served alongside him.

So here's to you Fred, a man so dangerous i'm fairly certain it's illegal for you to be in the UK, a man who taught me that no matter how many times someone puts you down, you can always get back up. no matter how many times you get tapped, you can always improve, and that deep down, the people we think could be our worst enemies, turn out to be the people that impact us the most.

"I DIED FROM BEHIND MEHN" - Kuklinski, 2015.

Forever and always.


iFox, Kuklinski, George and 10 others like this
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