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Did we hit the Cops or did the cops hit us?

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3 minutes ago, Norwegianviking said:

Its simple, Desync, we took no damage


I'll also give you a tip, if your friends want to be more nice in the words i would have been more nice with the tickets. But when we get cussed out i ain't going to be nice.

They were just randoms I met. Still found it funny that you were trying to say we hit you

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5 minutes ago, Norwegianviking said:

Its simple, Desync, we took no damage


I'll also give you a tip, if your friends want to be more nice in the words i would have been more nice with the tickets. But when we get cussed out i ain't going to be nice.

Let's see the rest of the video where it was dsync and you guys were not driving on the wrong side of the road.

JacobHarr and JIMBO like this
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1 minute ago, [§] Alex said:

Let's see the rest of the video where it was dsync and you guys were not driving on the wrong side of the road.


7 minutes ago, Norwegianviking said:

Its simple, Desync, we took no damage


I'll also give you a tip, if your friends want to be more nice in the words i would have been more nice with the tickets. But when we get cussed out i ain't going to be nice.

I want to see your video

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First and foremost, you're carrying illegal weapons, the SGT clearly mentions your AK's and then says "I'm going to put you guys in cuffs, ok?", then one starts taking off in the other direction after already being forewarned about what was about to happen (with you guys clearly being aware that you have illegal firearms).

You de-synced hit (something), then think that you're entitled to a free pass simply because of that?


Sorry, no.

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Just now, One Eye Jack said:

First and foremost, you're carrying illegal weapons, the SGT clearly mentions your AK's and then says "I'm going to put you guys in cuffs, ok?", then one starts taking off in the other direction after already being forewarned about what was about to happen (with you guys clearly being aware that you have illegal firearms).

You de-synced hit (something), then think that you're entitled to a free pass simply because of that?


Sorry, no.

Im not arguing the arrest. I'm just arguing who hit who. 

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Just now, Maric said:

Im not arguing the arrest. I'm just arguing who hit who. 

I've had things happen like this, and i'm sure you've been in a situation where you're driving behind someone and suddenly their car freaks out, and you end up dead and they drive away without even so much as a scuff on their ride.

Accidents happen.

But right from the start you and your friends were being kind of accusatory, and given that you guys had illegal weapons, (if) I was you, I would automatically just non-RP'ed the situation and said "sorry, I think we de-synced out and hit each other". Which would quickly defuse the situation, and possibly got you guys out of a ticket all together. 

But hey, things like this happen. Next time unless you had clear proof, I wouldn't bother going to the fourms with this. As 9 out of 10 times, your argument is just going to get picked apart.

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1 minute ago, JacobHarr said:

Says "I'm just gunna put cuffs on you bangbangbang"

Every cop in their mother goes flying 200+ on altis roads kinda dumb when they crash into you and then try to take your guns

They have to, letting somebody walk with illegal firearms is considered corruption. 

Comping the players for their lost items because of your accidental collision is up to the officers though. 

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2 minutes ago, Legit said:

They have to, letting somebody walk with illegal firearms is considered corruption. 

Comping the players for their lost items because of your accidental collision is up to the officers though. 

Well at that point that's when you decide would you rather be a douche bag or break a rules in video game

Edited by JacobHarr
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Just now, JacobHarr said:

Well at that point that's when you decide would you rather be a douche bag or break some rules in video game

Or option B. Do your job as a whitelisted player and then compensate them afterwards. Considering corruption can get you an instant blacklist it is really not worth it. 

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8 minutes ago, JacobHarr said:

Alright man, Keep up the good police work

I only recently learned that even if you are at fault you still have to process them like normal. I don't think anybody should be restricted from cop because they didn't want to be a "douche bag" . But yet, it could still happen. If you are truly at fault it may cost you more if you want to compensate them for their kit. But that serves as your consequence.

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1 minute ago, Bikstok said:

It's been an hour. WHERE'S THE VIDEO!?

rdm the shit cops next time

Well i looked at the video and can't really see much of what happend but seems like there was a desync hit on our part, video won't be uploaded due to me not being able to blur a specific part of the screen with the program i'm using to render the video. Tho there was really nothing wrong on our end. We have to size the gun anyways, we could have been more lenient on the charges but when we get cussed out from then saying we purposefully vdm them then no.

17 minutes ago, Maric said:

I think it was scummy that they hit them and then arrested them. If they didnt hit they wouldnt have arrested them. I think they did their job, but it was really scummy.

We really wouldn't have been so strong with the charges if we didn't receive the slurs that we did. 


51 minutes ago, JacobHarr said:

Says "I'm just gunna put cuffs on you bangbangbang"

Every cop in their mother goes flying 200+ on altis roads kinda dumb when they crash into you and then try to take your guns

Already instigated on them behind the jeep telling them to put thair hands up, the guy put the gun on hes back but ran when i attempted to restrain the him.

It was probably us desyncing in to thair car but i really couldn't see that at the time.

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6 minutes ago, Norwegianviking said:

Well i looked at the video and can't really see much of what happend but seems like there was a desync hit on our part, video won't be uploaded due to me not being able to blur a specific part of the screen with the program i'm using to render the video. Tho there was really nothing wrong on our end. We have to size the gun anyways, we could have been more lenient on the charges but when we get cussed out from then saying we purposefully vdm them then no.

Oh course the VDM wasn't on purpose. But the situation could have been a lot different if you had to turn around, RP, and stop them. His video you guys were driving on the wrong side of the road. So unless we see a video of you guys on the right side of the road when they get hit, you guys are at fault and it's a dickhead move.

The cop car wasn't damaged, so you guys could have just kept on driving. But you stopped and took advantage of the VDM.

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1 minute ago, [§] Alex said:

Oh course the VDM wasn't on purpose. But the situation could have been a lot different if you had to turn around, RP, and stop them. His video you guys were driving on the wrong side of the road. So unless we see a video of you guys on the right side of the road when they get hit, you guys are at fault and it's a dickhead move.

The cop car wasn't damaged, so you guys could have just kept on driving. But you stopped and took advantage of the VDM.

Honestly we stopped becouse we saw one guy die. I had atleast no idea that they where wanted and had illigal guns, thats one of the reason i ran up with my gun holsterd. I could have been nice with the charges but when you hear someone saying "Go praise allah somewhere else you faggots" and other slurs i aint going to be nice. The guns had to be taken even if its a dick move.

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1 minute ago, Norwegianviking said:

Honestly we stopped becouse we saw one guy die. I had atleast no idea that they where wanted and had illigal guns, thats one of the reason i ran up with my gun holsterd. I could have been nice with the charges but when you hear someone saying "Go praise allah somewhere else you faggots" and other slurs i aint going to be nice. The guns had to be taken even if its a dick move.

If you weren't driving on the wrong side of the road and someone died who cares?:shrug:

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Just now, Norwegianviking said:

We're cops, maybe they couldn't revive the guy or they didn't have a tool kit. You might think we're assholes all the time but if i see someone's dead in the car or need a repair I'll help them out

Or maybe you guys felt responsible for them dying and if you didn't want to get banned for VDM, you'd revive them. You first claim it was dsync, but your video "can't really see much of what is happened". So how can you claim dsync if you can't see anything.:shrug:

It's just a bullshit policy that even if you fuck over some people because you crashed into them and you try and make it right, you still have to arrest them instead of just apologizing letting go.

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1 minute ago, [§] Alex said:

Or maybe you guys felt responsible for them dying and if you didn't want to get banned for VDM, you'd revive them. You first claim it was dsync, but your video "can't really see much of what is happened". So how can you claim dsync if you can't see anything.:shrug:

It's just a bullshit policy that even if you fuck over some people because you crashed into them and you try and make it right, you still have to arrest them instead of just apologizing letting go.

Its very clear there was desync the police car was undamaged. It doesnt take a college degree to figure it out man. 

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Who fucking cares?
No one lost anything. 

You're the reason cops dont give a fuck.

Because they spend all day playing a video game dealing with petty little twats who want to argue every single little detail about something insignificant. 

Edited by Axe
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2 minutes ago, Jimbo! said:

>  go on cop

>  abuse desync on a guy i suspect to have a weapon 

> Wait for him to get out and start repairing

> see gun

> take advantage


Thats totally what happen in this video. Norwegian was using his ESP script to see him and the illegal guns from around the corner/thru the building!  Ban him now pliz

1 minute ago, [§] Alex said:

Of course it was a dsync HIT, but he was still on the wrong side of the road.

Does it actually matter?  The odds that someone is actually driving on the wrong side/middle of the road on Asylum are about 95%.  You act like it is a rare thing...  If they were fully geared rebels they would have just shot the cops and stole their car, but since its the other way its a problem...  

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32 minutes ago, [§] Alex said:

you guys are at fault and it's a dickhead move.


Sums it up pretty well. I think most people who don't play cop everyday would have repaired their shit and sent them on their way. Unfortunately, people are scared of Internet points and decide to treat people like shit. 

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