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Rolling Bank

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I am in the process of creating an event similar to this. Should be fun.

One thing to think about though, is when we are running events we are often inputting scripts, tabbing out to other programs, watching for people who wanna take advantage of the situation or looking at another part of the map. 

We are very distracted, so we don't men to ignore you or be rude, but an admin event is not the time to ask creepy questions, suggest new server ideas, ask you to look at their pending comps or request someone get banned. 

So please be patient and try to play by the event rules. I don't know how many times I've hosted a heli race and I always find some people trying to chop them. Generally the events are designed to have some fun that is different then normal gameplay. Remember, you do not have to participate and I know events can interfere with players who are doing there own tasks, but they usually do not last very long. 

In the meantime, have fun and keep these ideas coming. 

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