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Wicked Recruitment | S2 | Closed

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Just now, Faarooq said:

- In-Game Name: FaarooQ

- Timezone UTC+1

- Age: 18

- Arma 3 Hours (Screenshot):https://gyazo.com/539dbeeafd575613b0cfc48dc90a760c

- Previous Gangs: Signature

- Why do you want to join Wicked?: Wanna fight cartels again and got some friends in here

- Any members who can vouch for you: Quenton, Ped; Lorax

Accepted for Trial. Teamspeak sent. Welcome!

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Just now, Apachee said:

- In-Game Name: Apa-cheWarr

- Timezone Eastern/Standard

- Age: 17

- Arma 3 Hours (Screenshot): d45004ae4d479417d4499110901ce9e6.png

- Previous Gangs: Lawless, Velocity 2.0, Temper

- Why do you want to join Wicked?: looking for an active gang to fight with 

- Any members who can vouch for you: not sure

Accepted for Trial. Teamspeak sent. Welcome

FudgeR likes this
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39 minutes ago, BoDjango said:

 In-Game Name: Natty Daddy 

- Timezone EST

- Age:23

- Arma 3 Hours (Screenshot): 450e070c9037f1daea9ea583c01429b9.png

- Previous Gangs: Vanity, Prim 2.0, Ascension, Imperium

- Why do you want to join Wicked?: fralalalalala

- Any members who can vouch for you: chase

Accepted for trial you have ts

Edited by Chase
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Just now, Payout said:


- In-Game Name: Six/Payout

- Timezone: EST

- Age: 25

- Arma 3 Hours (Screenshot):  https://gyazo.com/d2bb9cb4c34df00ff99c2a1d4b9b259f

- Previous Gangs: Instinct, Tenacity, Primitive, Renegade, The Saints

- Why do you want to join Wicked?: Cause I love quenton, No homo

- Any members who can vouch for you: You, Farooq, Lorax, Chase, Pedrophile


32 minutes ago, Noliver. said:

- In-Game Name: Noliver

- Timezone GMT +2

- Age: 17

- Arma 3 Hours (Screenshot): 3k (on phone)

- Previous Gangs: Wicked, infamous, stellar, void, vanity

- Why do you want to join Wicked?: I miss quenton

- Any members who can vouch for you: quenton, chase

Both Accepted. Noliver for Trial. Welcome!

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3 minutes ago, NumbNutsJunior said:

- In-Game Name: Chuck Sanders

- Timezone: Eastern Standard

- Age: 17

- Arma 3 Hours (Screenshot): https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/850469405427390435/56792B5B175970060A791A63A7EC5C0790B536B2/

- Previous Gangs: None

- Why do you want to join Wicked?: I am looking for a gang to do more fun things such as bank, fed and cartels/gang turfs so I can experience more of asylum

- Any members who can vouch for you: Nope

Denied. Good luck finding a gang.

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- In-Game Name: T9

- Timezone est+

- Age: 21

- Arma 3 Hours (Screenshot): https://gyazo.com/e1b376b86f1c9cda617cc23285b66e09 3700

- Previous Gangs: Bad Blood, Primitive, Tenacity, Velocity, Stellar

- Why do you want to join Wicked?: not alot of decent gangs now days and good guys and solid players in here.

- Any members who can vouch for you: buck, payout, Pedreco

SwisherZ, FudgeR, Gatorade and 1 other like this
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4 minutes ago, Space. said:

- In-Game Name: T9

- Timezone est+

- Age: 21

- Arma 3 Hours (Screenshot): https://gyazo.com/e1b376b86f1c9cda617cc23285b66e09 3700

- Previous Gangs: Bad Blood, Primitive, Tenacity, Velocity, Stellar

- Why do you want to join Wicked?: not alot of decent gangs now days and good guys and solid players in here.

- Any members who can vouch for you: buck, payout, Pedreco

-1 cause you didnt put me as a voucher!

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10 minutes ago, Space. said:

- In-Game Name: T9

- Timezone est+

- Age: 21

- Arma 3 Hours (Screenshot): https://gyazo.com/e1b376b86f1c9cda617cc23285b66e09 3700

- Previous Gangs: Bad Blood, Primitive, Tenacity, Velocity, Stellar

- Why do you want to join Wicked?: not alot of decent gangs now days and good guys and solid players in here.

- Any members who can vouch for you: buck, payout, Pedreco


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16 minutes ago, Space. said:

- In-Game Name: T9

- Timezone est+

- Age: 21

- Arma 3 Hours (Screenshot): https://gyazo.com/e1b376b86f1c9cda617cc23285b66e09 3700

- Previous Gangs: Bad Blood, Primitive, Tenacity, Velocity, Stellar

- Why do you want to join Wicked?: not alot of decent gangs now days and good guys and solid players in here.

- Any members who can vouch for you: buck, payout, Pedreco

Accepted for Trial. TS Sent. Welcome

Faarooq likes this
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