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I have done a couple online tests to see where I land on the political spectrum.

Your Political Compass

Economic Left/Right: -2.38 
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -1.49

try out political compass website to find out where you come on that scale if ya want to know.

it appears through tests, I am social libertarian, which, is like a bernie sanders type, but im not as left as he is, not entirely sure what it means to be a soc lib

curious if we’ve got any Nationalists or Commies in the community


Edited by Eazy.lookinass
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Just now, Eazy.lookinass said:

I have done a couple online tests to see where I land on the political spectrum.

Your Political Compass

Economic Left/Right: -2.38 
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -1.49

try out political compass website to find out where you come on that scale if ya want to know.

it appears through tests, I am social libertarian, which, is like a bernie sanders type, but im not as left as he is, not entirely sure what it means to be a soc lib

curious if we’ve got any Nationalists or Commies in the community




I don't go as far as to be a NatSoc or Facist or anything but i'm really far right on most topics... as long as they don't involve private matters like i couldn't give a fuck if you screwed 30 men in your bedroom i just don't want to watch it, and if you want to abort your child fine by me you can pay for it though.

Edited by Tyler
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Just now, Eazy.lookinass said:

Yes, im not big on modern politics

if we talk 1930’s politics then in interested

You’re the same as winston churchill

Modern politics suck so much. Now a days from either side basically when they try and call you out they say you either support socialism, communism or, facism lmao everyone is so quick to throw around the -ism words

Edited by Tyler
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Just now, Tyler said:

Modern politics suck so much. Now a days from either side basically when they try and call you out they say you either support socialism, communism or, facism lmao everyone is so quick to throw around the -ism words

Ya, i hear a lot of people talking about being far right as if its bad.

dont get me wrong, hitler is an example of someone who is far right, but to be far right isnt to be a nazi, and to be far left isnt exactly to be stalin or mao

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Just now, Eazy.lookinass said:

Ya, i hear a lot of people talking about being far right as if its bad.

dont get me wrong, hitler is an example of someone who is far right, but to be far right isnt to be a nazi, and to be far left isnt exactly to be stalin or mao

And tbh you can agree with Hitlers political perspective without being a Nazi and Hitler wasn't "far right" so much as he was Authoritarian / Totalitarian meaning he was more towards deciding for everyone himself than letting democracy do the job.

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Just now, Tyler said:

And tbh you can agree with Hitlers political perspective without being a Nazi and Hitler wasn't "far right" so much as he was Authoritarian / Totalitarian meaning he was more towards deciding for everyone himself than letting democracy do the job.

Exactly, while he obviously did things i disagree with, he turned Germany into a major nation again, him and his inner circle, made consumer goods booming.

they made every house hold in germany a radio which caused a massive success in the economy, they completey turned around the work force.

In 100/200 years time, like Julius Caeser, hitler will definitely be more praised for his success leading a depressed and wounded nation to such a powerful one. 

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I think this is an okay representation of whatever point of view you are taking the test from. A personal point of view got me what I posted but if I was looking at it from a ruling body of government point of view, I have a feeling a lot of our answers would change or even if you were taking it from the point of view of a company CEO. but that's just what I think

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