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APD Corporal
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Everything posted by Tyler

  1. Just napping everywhere like lazy bastards Thanks @Austin Rogers The Originalfor the photo 🤣
  2. I recently was working on seeing if i could make some skins too. I came up with this but wasn't happy with it and scrapped it. Edit: I was planning on making it a new variant of Police Hunters, Striders, and Ifrits. The only issue is the template is mirrored on like 80% of the surface so letters come out flipped wrong on the other side etc.
  3. LOL i love how as soon as you kill Chrome at 2:10ish you immediately go to side chat 🤣 that's the gang life i missed looool.
  4. Idk i played V2 and it was still shit. Crashed non-stop etc.
  5. Gonna miss you buddy. I'll always regret not hanging out with you more after I quit Asylum. I'll always remember the amazing times we had playing cop cracking jokes for hours every night during the old P3 days. RIP bud gone way too soon.
  6. I played V2 it was worse than V1 LOL. We crashed multiple times a day for months... it finally got a little better iirc but I think I was already retired by then and played maybe once a week by that time. Just to add i specifically remember because it was post-Identity iirc.
  7. Fix the Paratus spaghetti code with a fresh redo of the server and i'll probably check it out. I remember for years dealing with mem leaks, crashes, and shit staff like @Jakewhich finally made me quit. Don't wanna deal with the same shit with a different name if possible.
  8. Tyler

    Maximum Prison

    I don't play anymore but oh god that would be kinda cringe. In GTARP the single most annoying thing was getting sent to prison for like 2 hours... like what the fuck? Not gonna sit that shit out.
  9. If anyone uses this the new Steam update kinda broke it but there is an easy fix. Now you just add -noreactlogin to "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steam.exe" -login Tyler JakeIsABitch So it should look like this... "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steam.exe" -noreactlogin -login Tyler JakeIsABitch
  10. If you are like me and either have a back up steam account, smurf accounts, undercover cadet account, or just an account you hop on to fuck around and troll n shit whatever then this is how i keep up with not only my like 8 different CSGO smurf accounts but also my main account (which is VAC banned on CS) and my main CSGO account. First go to your steam directory mine is: This PC/Windows (C:)/Program Files (x86)/Steam Once here right click your "steam.exe" and click create shortcut for however many steam accounts you want to swap between. Name the shortcuts whatever you want ex. "MainAccount", "CSGOSmurf", "UCCadet", etc. Right click the shortcuts and hit "Properties" and under the "Shortcut" tab you should see the directory of where your steam is installed like so: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steam.exe" Edit this line and add a space and type -login username password For example: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steam.exe" -login Tyler JakeIsABitch So the username would be Tyler and the Password would be the very true statement @Jakeis a bitch. Once you have this done for all of the accounts you plan on switching between all you need to do is create a Text Document on your desktop or a notepad either works fine and paste this command. @echo off cd "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam" taskkill /F /IM steam.exe start account1.lnk exit where the code says "start account1.lnk" make sure to change that for each command prompt you make to correspond with the different steam shortcuts you made so for example. My shortcut would be named "MainAccount" with the username Tyler and password JakeIsABitch my start line would then be "start MainAccount.lnk" Hit "Save As" and rename it whatever you want but instead of a .txt make sure you save it as a .cmd (Keep in mind if you have steam on a different drive than your C drive you will need to change that. Once you have done this you will have .cmd files you can now double click to close your steam, launch a new steam, log you in with the username and password you provided. If you have steam guard you will still need to enter your steam guard code upon login just like normal but if you want to swap between accounts this is THE fastest way and is 100% guaranteed to be just as safe as logging in yourself unless someone has access to your PC then you are fucked anyways. Examples:
  11. Tyler


    I mean yeah and we been killin it
  12. Tyler


    Anyone wanna play Overwatch with me and @Jake we are 2k-2.1k ish Supports and 1.2k-1.7k depending on the day in tank/dps.
  13. Lol dude thinks Maric has only been around since 2015... pretty sure Maric was here way before the hack. (December-ish 2015)
  14. I loved when Trump said "You called our troops stupid bastards!" Biden- "I-I Th-thats not true!" *Earlier in 2020* Biden- "Clap for that you stupid bastards!" Or "Your son was dishonarably discharged for drugs!" Biden- "He was not! He was a war hero who received the bronze star for valor!" Trump- "No no the other one Hunter" Biden- "U-uh n-no not true my son Hunter had a drug problem which is totally normal" I started laughing so hard man.
  15. Tyler

    Minecraft V2

    Pretty sure it's up to 1.16.2
  16. I miss back when the forums was nonstop shitting on Paratus and Motown for being incompetent.
  17. The problem is they weren't just used for solo pushing. People would load up dudes in a Quillin and drop people all around arms at rocks to cover for the Ifrit to slam window etc. Or they would ghost them in to flank people and even if they were seen they could jet off or just push with impenetrable doors lol.
  18. Damn is this THE Danny? Shiiiiit haven't seen you in like 2 years.
  19. Tyler

    eft luck

    @Volunteer281 *heavy breathing*
  20. I do, so does @Jake @Mayhem @antho @massi Jake and I are almost always on or around and down to do bossing. Massi does a shit ton of ToB and basically nothing else lmao.
  21. I have evidence that can put Romney in the dirt permanently hmu $5 paypal and it's yours.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Tyler


      sorry but this isn't blackmail i don't want money from the likes of you.

    3. Sail


      listen here gayler, its over now kid. 

    4. •ÐŠ• Randy

      •ÐŠ• Randy

      We already know @Sail is a closeted liberal 

  22. Does this mean we can't blow peoples cars up anymore? Or that we can and get away with it easier now?
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