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Farmer Steve

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Everything posted by Farmer Steve

  1. No way he just montaged @Bag Of Funyuns downing him. lmao
  2. Farmer Steve

    Delete snow?

    Typical devs, keeping the snow while the community's wishing for a heatwave. Must be cozy in that echo chamber, fucking faggots.
  3. type 115 .50 bw mags don't show up in rebel fyi
  4. remove the snow, we're in april nigga
  5. Mitch was great because his allegiances were money and whatever the fuck made him more of it. It doesn't seem like you guys have as much incentive to keep the server alive. It'd be great if one of you profited from the betterment of the server and had an actual vision for where you want this community to go, but it doesn't look like that'll happen anytime soon. You guys are great at banning people and making dumb rules. I rate y'all 0/10 on the vision and direction of the community, but I appreciate your guys effort and your non-profit volunteering to single-handedly fuck up the server. My guess is you guys will fall right back into place until one of you holds a higher position than the others and actually takes charge of the server, independent from the influence of any one faction or group of people like how it seems to be now. It'd be easier if you owned a stake in the server but that's just my observation. I can't put all the blame on you guys, arma is seriously a dying game but I still think Mitch would've done it better even though I hardly liked that faggot.
  6. all boils down to there being no skin in the game, Rogue gave the CM's the responsibility of running the server but these CM's don't have as much of an incentive to keep the server alive as someone who milked us 24/7 like you @Mitch (IFRIT). But hey, at least it was kinda alive and a lot more fun when you were here.
  7. Yeah this has to be the best suggestion I've seen on here. Though instead of the APD incorporation I suggest there be a countdown that takes 30 seconds or so for the items to be stored in the mailbox.
  8. i heard @Clint Beastwoodhates black people
  9. Title: The Case for Vehicle Death Match in Arma 3 Asylum Role-Play Server Introduction Arma 3 Asylum role-play servers have long been a hub for immersive, intense, and exciting gameplay experiences. However, the introduction of Vehicle Death Match (VDM) has sparked debates and discussions within the community. Some argue that VDM detracts from the role-playing atmosphere, but this essay aims to shed light on why Vehicle Death Match isn't so bad for Arma 3 Asylum role-play servers. Variety and Entertainment One of the key aspects that make Arma 3 Asylum role-play servers attractive is the variety of gameplay they offer. While role-playing remains the primary focus, the inclusion of Vehicle Death Match adds an element of excitement and unpredictability. VDM introduces new ways to enjoy the server, catering to players who seek thrilling, high-octane action. It offers an alternative to the traditional role-playing experience and ensures that the server appeals to a broader player base. Increased Engagement Vehicle Death Match can lead to increased player engagement. In many cases, players may find themselves participating in spontaneous firefights and vehicular combat scenarios, enhancing their overall immersion in the game world. This heightened engagement can result in longer play sessions and a more dedicated player base, which benefits the server's community. Opportunities for Skill Development VDM provides players with opportunities to hone their skills in vehicular combat, tactics, and teamwork. Engaging in these intense battles can lead to improved gameplay abilities, such as driving, shooting, and communication. These skills can subsequently enhance the quality of role-play interactions as players become more capable and confident in their roles. Balanced Integration Critics argue that Vehicle Death Match can disrupt the role-playing aspect of the server. However, it is essential to highlight that most Asylum role-play servers implement VDM with certain restrictions and rules in place. These rules can be designed to maintain a balance between role-play and vehicular combat, ensuring that neither aspect dominates the server. This careful integration allows players to enjoy the best of both worlds. Social Interaction VDM can promote social interaction within the server's community. Collaborative efforts to engage in vehicular combat scenarios encourage players to communicate, strategize, and work together. These interactions can foster a sense of camaraderie and create lasting friendships among players, contributing to a positive and thriving community. Evolving Gameplay The inclusion of Vehicle Death Match keeps the server's gameplay dynamic and ever-evolving. Stagnation can be a significant issue in online gaming communities, leading to a decline in player interest. By incorporating VDM, server administrators can continuously introduce new challenges, objectives, and experiences, preventing stagnation and ensuring that the server remains relevant and appealing over time. Conclusion In conclusion, while Vehicle Death Match may initially appear to detract from the role-playing atmosphere of Arma 3 Asylum role-play servers, a closer examination reveals its potential benefits. VDM adds variety, engagement, skill development opportunities, and social interaction to the server, all while maintaining a balanced integration with role-playing elements. By embracing this feature and implementing it thoughtfully, server administrators can create a dynamic and thriving community that caters to a wide range of player preferences. Ultimately, Vehicle Death Match isn't so bad for Arma 3 Asylum role-play servers; it can enhance the overall gaming experience and contribute to the server's long-term success
  10. You'd make the best pity support, just like Mayhem.
  11. I'd rdm the fuck out of all of you
  12. After some thought about the structure of the gang, we have decided to recruit 14 more antho's including the OG Retired Staff, Paramedic, APD Corporal antho into the gang. The roster is now as follows: Roster Updated 10/2/2023 R1 Farmer Steve R2 Send em to Space Bag Of Funyuns Ghidorah Pan fried Sad Face antho R3 Elite MAKI Torch Rocka Eltron Xanax Motown Platinum Yusheng TI Lorax Invincible Red Baret Jimmy Turnup Taylor Goldberg Fingerblaster9000 R4 Nikkii Spolopy Motown Nate ishigh! Tusken Raider Tyrone Darnell Lewis The Hobo Cpt. Dixie Normous Lt. Jimbo Swaggins ASoundCloudRapper Liberal tears R5 Epstein was innocent Mr Smirnoff Antho Antho antho antho antho antho antho antho antho antho antho antho antho antho antho antho antho antho antho antho antho antho antho antho antho antho antho antho Dave.
  13. Congrats @Witz, and welcome back to the side of fun @Ronald
  14. The only questions to be asked is why now? Why all of sudden, and who are the little bitch(es) that complained so hard that they finally decided to change it?
  15. Farmersville loves hide n seek
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