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Christian R

APD Officer
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  1. Good Lub liked a post in a topic by Christian R in #FuckChristianRyan   
    because Tarro is being passive as hell and wouldn't post it himself
  2. Dimz liked a post in a topic by Christian R in #FuckChristianRyan   
    because Tarro is being passive as hell and wouldn't post it himself
  3. Sp0on liked a post in a topic by Christian R in #FuckChristianRyan   
    because Tarro is being passive as hell and wouldn't post it himself
  4. Mitch ifrit is a bitch liked a post in a topic by Christian R in #FuckChristianRyan   
    because Tarro is being passive as hell and wouldn't post it himself
  5. Christian R liked a post in a topic by Tyler in GROTTY GANGS [APD] [ROYAL] [EXG]   
    Not a big fan of Alec but holy shit this was funny lmao when (i think it was Austin Rogers) raged i died laughing.
  6. Tarro liked a post in a topic by Christian R in Civilians must treat cops better   
    That's when you play along to their claims and start "panicking" and screw with them at the end lol
  7. LUCKY713 liked a post in a topic by Christian R in Civilians must treat cops better   
    That's when you play along to their claims and start "panicking" and screw with them at the end lol
  8. Christian R liked a post in a topic by Tyler in Civilians must treat cops better   
    When people don't know the rules and claim you are getting banned makes me laugh my ass off every single time.
  9. LUCKY713 liked a post in a topic by Christian R in APD FAQ/Grey Area   
    Thanks, it happened right outside of Pyrgos HQ, so when I say immediately after I mean we were killed and he drove to HQ a minute later. I feel like that shouldn't warrant a 50% decrease, but I do understand what you mean.
  10. LUCKY713 liked a post in a topic by Christian R in APD FAQ/Grey Area   
    Quick question regarding a grey area, for me at least.
    A firefight breaks out and officers are killed. Then said suspect immediately turns themselves in to officers whom we're just killed. Does that warrant a 50% decrease or does that not count as non evasive/aggressive?
  11. Slade Wilson liked a post in a topic by Christian R in APDtage #2   
    Teach me your ways of the finger. It's depressing being fingerless
  12. Russell* liked a post in a topic by Christian R in APDtage #2   
    Teach me your ways of the finger. It's depressing being fingerless
  13. Christian R liked a post in a topic by Tarro in Hands up or die   
  14. LUCKY713 liked a post in a topic by Christian R in Mini-APD Guidebook   
    Am I the only one who sees the "Ticket guide" and that's it? I kinda wanna see this mini-guidebook
  15. LUCKY713 liked a post in a topic by Christian R in Vehicle Registration & Title Theft   
    Why are you still here? No one likes you.
  16. LUCKY713 liked a post in a topic by Christian R in Discount Pawnee   
    Just because you would be the one in the ghost hawk doesn't mean you gotta -1 him
  17. Tarro liked a post in a topic by Christian R in Im back bitchess   
    lol, took your ass long enough
  18. LUCKY713 liked a post in a topic by Christian R in Incredible chase   
    Lol I was there "chasing" him that day. His definition of getting away clean is him "evading" while the server was taking a complete shit and then later turning himself in next to a broken ifrit. Let's not edit the video to make yourself look cool 
  19. LUCKY713 liked a post in a topic by Christian R in Im back bitchess   
    lol, took your ass long enough
  20. Boby liked a post in a topic by Christian R in Im back bitchess   
    lol, took your ass long enough
  21. Christian R liked a post in a topic by Hanzo/Dirty Scrubz in Possible New Prison Design [POLL]   
    Sorry but denied. You must be a career cop to submit a prison redesign. Also this would be too much work for the devs unless you agree to put this prison behind tier 3 community goals payment wall, then it will be done.
  22. Christian R liked a post in a topic by Patato in Constable Year Plus   
    *Just like you will never get back the time you spent knee-padding Monopoly man*
  23. Christian R liked a post in a topic by Patato in Change log 8.1.7   
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