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  • Location
    Forever Appeals Section
  • Interests
    Hacking Asylum, Doxxing Sean Fitty Bread, the usual shitbaggery

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  1. Hell yeah it is my dude but too bad if I were to come back I would be forced to play with kavala gangs
  2. https://playdeadmatter.com https://discord.gg/deadmatter A zombie game worth mentioning.
  3. Yeah, but even when you're a bounty hunter you can get a bounty for simply bounty hunting with friends and restraining people for them - adding you to the bounty list and ultimately getting arrested by bounty hunters
  4. I think it's kinda retarded that you can lose your bounty hunter license due to being bounty hunted rofl
  5. You can pay the ticket when you're in jail and still have all your stuff (besides guns)
  6. been inactively lately, had some behind the scenes stuff going on irl will be back soon <3
  7. i suggest taking a couple shots of this, thanks
  8. ACCEPTED. Ts Info sent in PMS !
  9. Stephen Hawkings Last Words:
  10. i'm not trying to be toxic, just being realistic. sorry
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