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Huan Lee

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Posts posted by Huan Lee

  1. 1 hour ago, powerwolf said:

    Seeing this re added honestly just makes me shake my head. Getting downed and kidnapped for medics and new players frankly put is not a new issue, but putting a very expensive pricetag on someone's body is frankly put comical. This is something that i dont remember at all from old asylum and im dumbfounded that it was added back in to begin with. 

    lets start with medics: They cannot defend themselves and nearly every medic i have talked with has on multiple occasions been downed, kidnapped and had their organs harvested. Either make it so that medics cannot have their organs harvested or the better alternative remove that feature from the game.

    Now civilians: Mainly newer and low money players. Generally speaking its bad enough for them being new to the server and not having the money to toss into Armour and better/rebel guns. But it loops back into the same problem with the medics is that they now have a price tag on their head just for existing which is going to prompt more people to fuck with them which if i had to be honest really isnt something newer players needed right about now. 

    TLDR: IMO organ harvested shouldnt be in the game


    powerwolf likes this
  2. it sounds nice on paper but in reality if i want to go to kavala im just gonna be plucked off the streets every 30 seconds, sent to my death, rinse and repeat

    and im not calling anyone out but whenever me and a group of people would kidnap a group of cops, I have only ever seen one roleplay the whole time and didn't demand gear to be dropped / spitting out rules to try and get a gun (talking from civ side now)

  3. aussie life

    also unless you have 2 entire playerbases then having all the overflow go into an altis server will make it a low pop server, but if the overflow went into a smaller island like malden or stratis then the lower population would still have a lot of activity

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