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Everything posted by GravL

  1. Roster: Gravl Kareem Kinte Neo Dshawn Fernn Connor Byrd Ney Ney 21
  2. Requirements: Must be at least 16 years old Have at least 400 hours in Arma Have knowledge of tac Comms Be willing to fight Turfs and Cartels Application: In game name: Age: Timezone (NA/EU): Arma 3 Hours (Screenshot): Have you ever been banned? If so, what for? Do you have a mic and discord? Current and past gangs? Why do you want to join Unforgiven? Do you know anybody in Unforgiven?
  3. GravL


    Aleec got unbanned, Katheeri got unbanned, weed now sells for 2k a piece
  4. GravL


    I put a Neil Degrasse Tyson interview on in the background. His voice is amazing and he makes me think about other stuff like space and time and all that.
  5. its not too hard to host one either. i hosted a camping thing on server 4 like a year ago and we had 15-20 people. its really fun
  6. i mean, anyone can host one. if i had an extra 100k to give out i would.
  7. Ayyy I’m in side chat in the first few minutes complaining about losing crank am I famous yet
  8. I heard you guys were thinking about disbanding? GL
  9. GravL

    Selling ephedra

    I have ephedra listed for 250 a unit on the exchange on server 4 if you are interested.
  10. GravL

    get turned on

    Yeah I’m ass lul
  11. GravL

    get turned on

  12. Ok, so I was playing CSGO and had some Deja Vu. And as I was thinking about the deja vu, i "remembered" someone coming up behind me and killing me, And i turned around and killed him before he killed me. That's the weirdest shit I've ever experienced.
  13. Oh no someone on the internet insulted my IQ this is u n a c c e p t a b l e I don’t know if I can continue playing this server this guy was way to rude oh no
  14. Just use editor, spawn a plane at donor runway and fly to the airport
  15. GravL


    My name was originally supposed to be gravlin813 because my last name is Gravlin and I was born on August 13th, but Arma decided to shorten it down to Gravl, and I never changed it
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