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Everything posted by PeytonCx

  1. %I’m.....sorry.....but.....Teamplayers....is.....controllin....dis....server%
  2. Stop letting entire gangs gear up at admin houses. You can win the fight and they are back roaching before you can even rev the guys who died
  3. GL @CoryB might be interested in joining
  4. The application requirements are listed above
  5. In-game name: PeytonRole-play Character back story (300 word minimum, no copy paste I will check): I am from the future. I am here for one sole reason and that is to save myself from death. I have come back in time to stop myself from marrying my estranged wife who will result in my utter demise. While traveling back in time to give myself a warning I actually fell madly in love with myself (for obvious reasons). So, after convincing my present self to divorce my wife, I end up marrying myself and it goes smoothly for a while until something tragic happens. I must have changed the course of history coming back in time and changing my future, because my present self ended up getting killed in a gang related assassination. My sole purpose in life now is to find the killer of my husband (who is me) in hopes to be able to revive him through black magic. While I was searching for my killer, I met a man by the name of "Crunchedd" who I ended up marrying in order to cope with the loss of myself, and he knows about the mission im on. Once I find the killer and revive myself I will end up divorcing Crunchedd and re-marrying myself, which explains a lot about his personality and why he's always mad and on edge. We also had to take care of Crunchedd's son who was adopted from his previous marriage, CoryB. Crunchedd's wife must have had a huge butt chin or something because CoryB wasn't quite the "looker". Crunchedd's ex-husband Leon "Sugarfoot" Derek BlueGatorade (yea he has a long name I know) is still madly in love with him but we don't want Crunchedd to be corrupted by the evil q-ball so we're trying our best to keep him away from our son.
  6. This thread is for the sole purpose of talking about our beloved Cory B. NO HATE OR MEMES PLEASE THIS IS A SERIOUS POST >:( (banter allowed (only about corys chin tho))
  7. Where was my mention Noliver wtf
  8. Clint is the worst Call of Duty player to ever exist
  9. Ign: Peyton Age: 21 Hours: ~1500 How active will you be: IDK Previous Gangs: Aphelion, Clarity, Infamous, Nexus, and I don't remember the rest cause im autistic Any members that can vouch: Skrood (thats it cause everyone hates me)
  10. PeytonCx

    Good Bye!

    you forgot me, twinkies older brother
  11. PeytonCx

    New pc help?

    get a 7700k, I have it and it's amazing
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