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APD Officer
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Everything posted by Boris

  1. No king rules forever. Most consistent "best" player is probably Rod. Rami did some nutty stuff with west deerstand though back in the day. Real spicy.
  2. I can assure you that the people who can make changes to the game will listen to you if you show that enough players support your view. Which is why I suggested a thread with a poll. You can suggest changes and the owners will look at it, and if you have enough people voting with support for you, there's no reason why the qilin price can't be dropped, or prowlers lose their doors for cops, or any change that you'd like to see. We aren't dealing with Paratus anymore. These owners listen. Look how quickly money cap disappeared, change can happen if enough people want it.
  3. @PENIS PUMP BANDIT In the interest of keeping things civil, could you put a thread with some changes you'd like to see to this patch and maybe include a poll? If you feel this strongly then it'd be good to see if others share your viewpoint.
  4. I don’t think your opinions are going to change and I don’t think you’re going to stop your crusade against this patch. Rather than continue this, I’m just going to wish you luck with your time on Asylum and hope you continue to find fun in it.
  5. @PENIS PUMP BANDIT 1)If you’re using your vehicle exclusively as cover, especially when fighting cops, what are you doing? 2)Here’s an image I took of west rock before the nerf while at a cartel. It should speak for itself. https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/535919847339589632/537328272795500545/unknown.png 3)You do not HAVE to use a qilin. An SUV will handle off-roading extremely well. If you truly need your vehicle for cover, ifrits are often only 80k and are absolute tanks for 6.5. 4)I am a rebel, a money maker, a drug runner, a cop and sometimes I dip into cartels with Prime. I strongly support the qilin nerf and I genuinely think it’s better for the long time health of the game. Edit: I don’t like to get into shit flinging fights on the forums but I can only imagine how the staff feel reading your posts on the forums when a good chunk of the playerbase is incredibly thankful for it.
  6. Excuse the spelling but don’t disregard the post.
  7. The amount of misinformation in this thread is sickening. Quilins were an issue, especially at cartels. Prowlers are not even NEARLY as powerful as pre-nerf Quilins. The owners aren’t career cops and regularly play civ with the synergy boys. Clint used to be in synergy montages. This was a wonderful patch. The vehicle change needed to happen. Stop complaining about balance changes when people with more experience than you have been requesting them. Suggest improvements if you feel that strongly.
  8. Two career cops? Hahahahahahahahaha.
  9. Probably because Drunk Squad have been vesting and RPGing constantly for the past few weeks.
  10. Meth is amazing money. Really, really good. Even cocaine will make you fat stacks if you grind for a while. I also currently make 134k per smash and grab I do.
  11. Maybe I’m thinking of someone else then.
  12. Also yes we need outside deerstands on cop side prison, that stuff was great.
  13. I have seen you sit in a turf and RPG out of a house window so I’m pretty damn happy about the RPG price buff.
  14. Yo fella can I get hydraulics in my ifrit so I can go to ifrit meet ups and bounce around? I feel like it’ll really bring the community together.
  15. Claiming vehicles puts in your garage right? Can we claim cop vehicles?
  16. @Bikstok you son of a bitch you were trolling us all today with that developer talk good job buddy
  17. Rolling out one additional hotfix to fix Bully VDMing people
  18. https://gyazo.com/3a8704121707cd05b5ffe24aec53f9b8
  19. Boris


    Rebels on arms announced poggers.
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