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Everything posted by jsh

  1. ur talking to urself. https://gyazo.com/36a4199d6e529673daacc3a5408f9d48
  2. Got any extra face paint for Gaythan ? Two clowns is better than one
  3. Weeooweeooweeoo my fagdar is going crazy. Nathan can you please refrain from speaking thanks 🥱🥲
  4. LGBTQ community rolls updates quicker than you
  5. Why would I tell the whole forum and some bot who can’t control lim recoil lol
  6. Gotta turn some things on and turn some off and it will work
  7. Please stop before you make yourself look even more retarded. If that’s even possible lol
  8. Remove electric chair, remove ufo, remove cancer smoke stack at mental, and kraken waters. While you’re at it reduce night time because it’s literally night more than fucking day and it’s aids. And about the grass shit. People can get their grass removed in the nvidia control panel so if anything not removing grass for everyone is giving kids an advantage. ETA update
  9. Only wesfromak likes the night
  10. We don't sleep so ez offline lmao I'll sit on ukn for a week if you guys want to play a wipe No admin esp on rust buddy lmao
  11. I dare that rust group to come play main next wipe against bbnb.
  12. River with the fanboy message as per usual. How many titty streamers do I need to sub to to get smoke like yours.
  13. There is just no way he puts panda by fucking designer on this
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