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Everything posted by Patato

  1. Patato

    SRT Overhaul

    Ill be honest i don't see a "overhaul" here. You ask for a reward at 1000 kills but don't specify what it should be. Taking a look at what guns are left to be added I don't see anything suitable for 1000 kills. Adding Granite B's/CSAT/Pilot coveralls for SRT has been an on-going conversation for some time that we have yet to reach a consensus on.
  2. Thats going to be a no from us. Thank you for the suggestion
  3. Not really a dev thing, more of a rules thing. But with the way vehicles combust as it is. We won't be doing this
  4. We have enough salt on this server without mass producing it.
  5. Economically from a top down perspective, BH seems to be highly lucrative and we will not be providing any bonus. The only thing i can see which would be annoying is the arrest cap (At a glance looks like 175k didn't look into it enough to see if their were more modifiers). This is something I can look into more. I don't really expect a guy rolling solo to be taking down massive bounty's like some sort of one man army and im not going to give you the tools to do so. If you want to take down big bounty's you will need a crew. I very vividly remember @Norwegianvikingand his crew stealing bounties from cops. Dropping on cartels and cleaning up left right and center. Additionally don't bother comparing APD gameplay to BH. Its just not a valid argument. They aren't comparable simply due to the fact the APD doesn't get to choose a vast majority of fights thus they die more. They are often a reactionary force not a provoking one. They have a massive book of rules to follow and more drama & politics to maneuver than a BH. They have minimum playtime requirements to maintain special tools (Your average constable is weaker than a BH). APD also can't kidnap half the server and shove them in a corner until they log out (Or at least in theory) BH's get a plethora of perks + talents right out of the gate and get to enhance it greatly via honor. Constables who are the majority of APD officers don't even come close. I don't mind the idea being able to arrest bounty's at more locations. The commute time after being caught by a BH is a bit annoying if you were out in the middle of nowhere. But im not sure where the middle ground would be as i think groups should be able to fight to get their friend back.
  6. This is not within a developers scope. Moved to altis life discussion
  7. Patato

    Starting A Cult

    DH already does this. @Leroy Jenkins
  8. A drug runner aircraft carrier sounds like the lowest risk landing ever. No one is going to kill you there.
  9. This isn't the American political system. Don't try to put "Bounty Hunters get MXMs" like its a rider on a must pass bill
  10. Make a list of specific quests Name of quest Requirements for quest Reward for quest Most of these are decent idea's.
  11. Patato

    realistic tractors

    Realistic Tractors? New tractors cost an arm and a leg. when they break down they will be unable to be repaired. A new building called the "Anti right to repair" has been added. You will be paying an exorbitant amount of money to haul your tractor there so they can replace the faulty sensor that bricked your 6 figure machine. Oh also they lobbied the gov so no warranty 🙂
  12. Patato

    Camo Netting

    I think its probably better just to put down a few IR nets in the drug fields anyways. Avoids this and heli patrol is already pretty strong
  13. Interesting, i don't see anything here. Ken is not an Admin he is a Mod. They are still learning, i would defer to my answer as its mayhem approved. If you have any issues you can always contact a senior admin.
  14. Disclaimer not an Admin, but since they aren't answering it. Much like a vehicle you are allowed to defend your property. Knowing whether or not they are in the house is irrelevant as the defending party has no way of reading your mind. If you are trying to destroy their property they can defend it. This is one of the few "One way" initiations Asylum has. IE. the cops can spike strip your vehicle. You may immediately kill them for disabling your vehicle but the APD must initiate via siren/voice/text before downing you. (Or wait for you to shoot at them thus giving both sides initiation) Be aware it MAY be considered RDM if you are attempting to shoot someone's house down and kill a player in the process. This is often a very case by case basis as the defense of "Active firefight" may be applicable. IE you probably aren't going to get banned if you are putting rounds into someone's house and some random runs into the house as the last bullet is in the air - fully destroying the house and the rubble kills them.
  15. Patato


    You are allowed to shoot into a red-zone without initiating. If you are inside a red circle its impossible to be RDM'd. However standing inside the circle and shooting out is not allowed. Some grey area exists as we just aren't going to allow you to sit 1m outside the red-zone baiting people to shoot you so they get banned.
  16. One of the key points of SWAT is to get MK's in the hand of regular officers when the higher ups arn't around. Needing a SGT/LT around to hit a button is a pass. We already see alot of "Fed event shopping" aka looking to see what ranks are online before doing an event. Knowing a captain is online and instantly every single rank gets a "promotion" with no code governing its use is a no. Higher-ups dont have ESP (I hope) and i find they may mis-judge the situation and the force they are fighting. Introducing their own subjective discretion when to deploy swat is a bad idea and its better to be a code governed tool so players get a more consistent gameplay experience
  17. Patato

    gang house

    We will not be doing this one. Gang leader is responsible for the house
  18. Developers do not handle rules. moved to altis life dicsussion
  19. Enjoyed watching the race for first. GG to those that participated
  20. Patato

    SRT Overhaul

    As always specifics are extremely helpful. What Titles/How are they unlocked What Guns/When are they unlocked
  21. Moved to Allis life discussion. Developers do not have the ability to change server rules. @Repto
  22. Patato


    "Touch Grass" Title?
  23. Timer's will not be changing from what is currently live
  24. Hotfix #3 Fix Deer-stands @ Mental Added more uniforms to respawn pool for UC's fixed missing [NATO] [MTP] CRBN for Donor 4's Mobile HQ Must be 1500m from a federal event to be set up Must be 1000m from a Cartel/Turf/Warlord/Fortress to be set up Additional back-end changes
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