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Everything posted by Steez

  1. https://gyazo.com/079e600f0449a0a8d6a145bf5e30287c i got cut off and got blamed for going to fast and not going the speed limit
  2. i remember the first time i met spider man (donny donowitz) he coudnt even defend himself in the pyrgos hq from a sdar Warning extreme lvl of salt in this video
  3. You think this is an exploit Man i wish you played back when you could do this with just a simple mk-18 now that was hilarious
  4. the reason for me posting this is so we can wrap this thread up before wubz wakes up and gets this shit lock by shit talking all of you, i say we call it a day before someone gets there feelings hurt.
  5. Since @Wubz is asleep most likely here is his pov, arma is going to arma thats how it is. It shows the pov of wubz he was running threw the pipes trying to dodge bullets he didnt purposly dpi glitch or lag switch he simply tryed dodging bullets and arma pulled the stupid shit it always does now quit bitching like babys. https://gyazo.com/000c87e48a6e8df5602bf85be238d5ed
  6. i liked stratis but i have a better idea #Free Australia
  7. it's kind of ironic the guy who made the song "Last Christmas" died on Christmas very sad though he will be missed by many
  8. Alec Has stepped down from being a leader of fsa today
  9. just for anyone wondering where the prison is where the camera icon is is the location here is what the surroundings look like
  10. nice shots jay btw are you still 5.1 350
  11. o7 https://gyazo.com/4eb6f8d04bc1e88da1fb0c62aa4a15bb
  12. i dont see the problem here, all of this could have been stoped by simply joining the same breaking point legion together
  13. not to be that guy but there was a stone wall litterly 3 feet behind you that you could have used for cover and had perfect sight on your friends body.
  14. 07 not only a great admin but the main constable that trained me during my cadet week, hopefully ill see ya around the udi team speak
  15. P.S i know i misspelled Kavala and ifrit its to much work to re-upload
  16. Even though i know that everyone wants it to stay as it is for obvious reasons i personally have always loved 1st person plus it gives a new challenge to it because i personally think cartels are stale thats the main reason i dont fight them anymore but thats just me i would be happy with 1st or 3rd i dont mind
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