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Posts posted by Donutkiller

  1. You seem like someone who doesn't understand how this works. You are no gambling your money, you are physically buying keys. Is there a percentage chance that you have for when you spend money to buy the keys that you may or may not get the keys. No, there isn't, you will get the keys 100 percent of the time. Now, the keys are used for a crate, that has a percentage chance to to get each specific item. Which means, you aren't gambling you're money, you are simply using the keys for a crate, if this was illegal, sue every single game that does this. Which is a shit ton of games, good luck.

  2. So, in all games there is a part where someone can get something better by chance. In which case Pilot Coveralls, you have a rare chance to get them and they give you some benefits (supposedly). I have heard some people spent HUNDREDS of dollars trying to get them for that supposed benefit. If I am correct, they are meant to be a skin and nothing else. In which case they should just, if possible, fix the script. Now, I see some biased people here saying that csat and carier lite should be banned from using with e/o. I would understand if the pilot coveralls were removed and something was added in place, I vote on some pink and/or purple csat, but the arguement of making it so csat and carrier lites should be banned from using it with e/o is I think stupid. Everyone has the ability to use csat and carrier lites together. In which case, if you choose not to use csat, you do not have the right to complain after dying from someone using them. Like i said, if you can't fix the pilot coveralls (if they are broken), then just add a different skin (again I'm liking the idea of pink and purple csat). Thats my argument.


    If we are looking for a P2W benefit, you should be annoyed with the combat helmets, as they are not a big benefit, they still have a benefit with the armor rating and camaflage. I think they should be made so everyone can buy them as I do believe people who have not won them, are able to use them. (If you add the pink/purple csat, add a pink/purple combat helmet skin also)

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