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  1. In game name: Postgame Teamspeak name: PostgameVF Timezone: EST Age: 18 Arma 3 hours (screenshot): What members can vouch for you?: Willie Why should we accept you into Exposed Gaming?: experience, money, cartel knowledge, piloting skills, former member of EXG The server you are most active on?: s2 Previous Gangs, you were in?: Impact, Imperium, Maniacal, Mongols, Requiem, Havok, Boats and Hoes, EXIL3D, EXG (literally this gang), LCF 1&2, Africa 2, Orbit, The Fallen Souls, La Famiglia Crocetti Most active time for you(weekdays, nights, weekends, etc.): Afternoons all week
  2. wanted to get sort of a humorous aspect to the subject to make the video a tad lighter, i.e the livejasmin in the beginning, the horrible surfing, the 3 gang pictures, and a recording of my actual PR on that map from back in 2014
  3. I did my research, and you literally said it was fake. Its an iPad man
  4. you know the picture is fake right?
  5. so when I provide picture proof of breach notifications from reddit uplay paypal etc, all of which occured in a 12 minute time span between gmail and steam those were unrelated? damn crazy coincidence. As soon as I provide evidence you want the post to be locked. Pathetic. Go to bed, you got school tomorrow buddie Also, lock this post for all I care. Let Temper know I'm not gonna stand for this shit. It's disgusting
  6. So I understand that neither of you graduated high school, so I'll bring it down to your level. 1. The intention of this post was a call to action against those who use booters to gain an advantage in game, or for one's own personal gain. 2. It was never made to expose anyone. For those who want some1 who has the balls to drop names, go see Aleec's great #Armagate series. 3. No new information regarding anyone who took part in any illegal activities was presented. The only pieces of evidence brought up was an old steam conversation from tryhardsqueaker, which was already confirmed to be valid from tryhard himself, as well as a screenshot of myself clearing being taken down. The screenshot took place on March 9th, 2018. This abnormal rise in packet loss occurred quite a lot since playing alongside Req, and as soon as I got a new IP, the packet loss magically stopped (!) 4. For a situation in which 0 names were dropped, or anyone was accused, Temper was surprisingly quick to gather their goons and create a story defending themselves when nobody even accused them. +10 suspicion in my eyes. 5. I own 7 steam accounts. My current account is here. The password of this account before the breach was "38613743386". The account I lent Undercover is here. The password of this account before the breach was "postgame". I trusted him with it, as there was universally nothing he could do with it, and I didn't think he would steal it (he did not). 6. Now Temper claims that they accessed my forum, main steam, Google +, Gmail, Reddit, Uplay, and PayPal with this password. The passwords to these accounts were all different and varied around the passwords I listed earlier. These passwords were 12 digit encryption keys which all varied around the units 433, 137, 386, and 43. Some of these platforms required passwords to have at least 1 letter, so my letter of choice was always d. 7. The story Temper presented was completely fabricated, as PayPal, Steam, Reddit, and I'll say it, The Forums require a letter and a number and at least 8 digits. So the claim that Undercover used "postgame" the password of one of 4 csgo alt accounts to access all my credentials is complete fabrication and a cover. It's universally impossible that postgame could be the password to any of these due to minimum password requirements. 8. My account has obviously been recovered, with the help of administration. According to the administration I worked with, a conclusion has been made, and action was taken. I am no longer worried, as I have a new 12 digit encryption key. Now the golden question comes down to "whodunnit?" Well, the answer is actually quite simple when you gather the evidence. 9. Multiple extremely secure accounts of mine get breached, including my forum account. Contact administration immediately. Over the next 3 days administration helps me recover my account and I eventually get it back, however, no verdict is made on who did it. Marzoh comes into police TS as I'm on cop with Tarro. Marzoh calls me a faggot, loser, the whole 9 yards. However he notes how it's cute how I made a harassment report on him. He continues to talk, nothing constructive. However, Marzoh wouldn't have known that I had made a report on him considering that the Admins hadn't covered it. I immediately contact Mitch and after some careful interrogation they reach a verdict and I am not informed of what the conclusion was, so that there would be no further altercation 10. Conclusion - Somebody committed a federal crime as a grudge to another player. The one who committed the crime is obviously banned, which I assume is indefinitely permanent. It can also be assumed that this person is within or has ties to Temper, as multiple members of Temper have stepped forward with information that no1 else could possibly know and have even unknowingly made testimonies against themselves. Also, no members of Temper have recently been banned permanently (for this reason, sorry Revenant). So that narrows the list down extremely narrow. The person who doxxed me was a member within the Temper friend group who is active in the community, and is currently banned. TL:DR Quit your bullshit, dont victimize yourself when nobody even accused you of anything, stop using fucking 3rd party means to solve a grudge. The door is that way - > Temper, nobody called you in here
  7. it was one of 4 alt accounts with the only game being csgo with 11 hours in game..., unrelated to anything else. Not sure why you guys aren't grasping that yet. My actual steam was also accessed with one of the 4 passwords i listed out, and was blocked. 2 different scenarios that are not connected in any way lad
  8. A joke, one of my buddies from S5 Robert™ did it in one of his videos, laughed my ass off
  9. Damn not only can you not listen but you can't fucking read either. How many senses you got bud?
  10. It would be impossible for "postgame" to be the password, as forum passwords require at least 1 number. It would have to be something like "postgame123" to even work, and even then thats an incredibly weak pass. Literally by saying undercover did this you just exposed your own fucking teammate. You'd think some1 from a "top tier" gang would be fucking smarter
  11. Password to the steam account was postgame, every other password was 38613743386, 38638613743, or 3924386386. Besides it's already been dealt with. Take the message and shut up you deaf piece of shit
  12. Sorry bro. Try turning on closed captioning if it’s hard to hear
  13. The concept I was trying to push was that they focus the best fighters, so that they get to instead fight easily-defeated retards such as myself
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