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Kasim Tariq

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Posts posted by Kasim Tariq

  1. 2 hours ago, Hubschrauber said:

    Considering I am the one that you directly RDMed in Kavala after TPing there after getting multiple reports of RDM in Kavala, yes, you did indeed do something ban worthy.  

    This is proof he banned be just cause, I never even go to Kavala so grow some balls and say you banned me just to ban

  2. 2 hours ago, Fried Rice said:

    You RDM'd me like 5 times in an hour for my bounty, womp womp have you tried not breaking rules?

    I rdmed u once and u got me banned for it, if it was 5 times U would SURELY MAKE A REPORT, since this is your life. 

  3. I have made two ban appeals for my bans and the admins have never responded to either, with one of the appeals having proof of me being innocent. If you ban me for no reason, have the balls to talk to me; at least cunts like Subaru and Leady had the balls to post evidence, while these guys ban you and don't respond. YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE.

  4. No one will miss that fat loser, sad that he got to be an admin in the first place. Dude used to play with cheaters, has no integrity or brainpower, pathetic excuse for a human being. 

    ███████╗██╗░░░██╗░█████╗░██╗░░██╗  ██╗░░░██╗░█████╗░██╗░░░██╗
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    Crasher2003 likes this
  5. Kasim Tariq paying athletic gods to farm obese acne asylum players. Vakeska enjoys seeing shitties get farmed in his free time hence why he founded the Reich. Valeska made all his money by flipping bricks to poor shits in washington state, he is now relaxing and living the easy life


  6. Application Template:

    1. What's your in-game name? @Ethan Darrell

    2. Why do you want to join KS? I want to get wiped, cause in DS we dont die fast enough

    3. Have you been in any other previous gangs? (If so which ones) DS

    4. Will anyone vouch for you? Whole server knows I am a bot

    5. How active do you plan on being? Yes, I will be in the tower at South rebel

    6. Are you in the APD? (If so what rank) Yes, I am a corporal in the incel department

    7. Have you had any previous bans on Asylum?No, I am fag

  7. 2 hours ago, Ethan Darrell said:

    IGN:  Nick Crompton

    IQ KFC

    Age: 15.5

    Why do you want to join this gang? cause when DS Kills me i dont like looking at the respawn screen because i am a complete shitter an because my mom and dad hate me 

    Former gangs: R {butt pirate gang} 

    Body Count(IRL): my mom an dad because i love insect

    Money: who needs money when i can kiss the homies goodnight 


  8. 2 hours ago, Copa said:

    IGN: Kasim Tariq

    Hours in Game (Screenshot): 1

    IQ: -69

    Age: 22

    Why do you want to join this gang? because i like the respawn screen

    Former gangs: R | 

    Body Count(IRL): 5

    Money: 1 rupee 

    Honestly, I think you already are in the respawn screen majority of the time, also its not my fault you are an incel retard and a bot. Also body count is like 3. Denied.


    2 hours ago, Luke SwagWalker said:

    IGN:  R | Retarded

    Hours in Game (Screenshot): hours = d   154d28=68d+18634

    IQ: 9000+

    Age: 14

    Why do you want to join this gang?  to steal gang bank  cash

    Credit card# and pin: 6

    Former gangs: Rebel Department, NV, stellar 

    Body Count(IRL): my entire math class 30+

    Money: i have so much when i get admin jailed i pay bail.



    Leader: Kasim Tariq

    Judge, Jury, & Executioner : Nick Crompton 

    Lieutenant: Valeska Tariq

    Henchmen: A-TRAAAAAIN, SPELLICUP, Ivan Drago

    Slaves: not a terrorist

    We dont need no ROTC people in this gang. Denied.

  9. Reich Recruitment.


    Hours in Game (Screenshot):



    Why do you want to join this gang?

    Credit card# and pin:

    Former gangs:

    Body Count(IRL):




    Leader: Kasim Tariq

    Judge, Jury, & Executioner : Nick Crompton 

    Lieutenant: Valeska Tariq

    Henchmen: A-TRAAAAAIN, SPELLICUP, Ivan Drago

    Slaves: not a terrorist




    Donald likes this
  10. 2nd Application(I am a good guy)

    In Game Name: Kasim Tariq

    Age: 38

    Are you a member of the APD (rank): Blacklisted for not being a weirdo

    Have you been banned on Asylum? If so how long and what for?: its a long list

    Any previous Gangs: Reich

    Hours: https://gyazo.com/dedeba9ecfbd6141d139208f2b90857f

    Why I want to join: I want to join DS so I could role-play as AI. + it would be beneficial to the gang because now you will not get shit on by The Kasim Tariq. Such killers as yourselves must understand. 

    On 9/27/2019 at 4:15 PM, DankBud said:


    Also its a honor to have Kasim Request to join your gang, it is an honor to get killed by Kasim so all yall must be thankful that Kasim spends his EMR round on you asses, and every time you die to me you must say : "Thanks you Kasim for wiping the floor with my garbage ass and then respawn"

    J9HUNNA likes this
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