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Swift F

APD Officer
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About Swift F

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  1. Swift F


    It's bad with no end game content
  2. I like bounty hunting with a mk-1 and a PO7 It really fools and pisses off the kavala trolls
  3. Cool guy, knows his shit, made me into a somewhat competent player. I can vouch for him.
  4. I may have been drunk, but it couldn't have been that bad
  5. I know I wouldn't use this merely due to its proximity to HW patrol, the possibility of a cop casually driving up there before going out on patrol and catching me with a bunch of annoying-to-acquire supplies is a big turnoff
  6. If the master talents cost 50K, I don't feel that the effects they offer are very much worth the massive price tag, if the 50K was reduced somewhat I could see it. As for the 'master' talents. The bounty hunter line, specifically the apex predator skill mastery talent, offers a big bonus. Perhaps adding a new NPC to rebel for mastery of accountant that allows those with the talent to buy anything from rebel without pulling cash. Perhaps adding a function where masters of punishers can buy an additional weapon from gun stores, or maybe add a new 'mini rebel' location that hops around the map between core cities that only those with said talent can purchase from. You could also add lockpicks to markets as another possibility. And for combat medic I've already stated what I think a skill mastery talent would be worth, i.e. not requiring to have a defib in your inventory to revive someone, or maybe unlimited splints/painkillers, or 50% chance to not consume medical items in general. As for a point cap, I think it would be reasonable to allow people to master one tree, but not be able to have enough points to master a second, but nearly enough (maybe 2 or 3 talents short of being able to master another tree. Presents a problem with combat medic because there are fewer talents there, but I don't see why people couldn't choose to master one skill and combat medic with a few points into the third, or get master in one, and be able to get most of the way to mastery in the other (not combat medic) but not quite all the way.) Or you could just disallow the purchasing of 2 of these category mastery skills.
  7. I don't agree with a reset of points, but perhaps add the master talent for each tree, such as combat medic's 50K talent making them not require defibs on person, and reducing the cooldown between revival of players by half. Not needing defibs is something I know people would grind the fuck out of. Not requiring defibs/50% chance bloodbags won't be used/Unlimited painkillers are a few ideas
  8. Not to mention people already get B& for possession and use of such items.
  9. Also, just like there's the master bounty hunter perk, add a perk in the rebel tree that you must have to gain access to the rebel talent system, perhaps even require all or 1/2 of the rebel talents to access this tree. Make players dedicate their valuable talent points to it.
  10. Here's a list I made last night in a different thread regarding possible ways to earn points (and safeguards against those who would try to exploit the system, naturally.) Xp rewarded for killing civilians within 500 meters of a cartel: 10 (with a limit of 20 per restart) (disallow group/gang reward) Reward for killing warring gang members: 50 with a limit of 20 per restart (only rewarded when war points are awarded) (this would be incredibly easy for friends to exploit. Must look into. Perhaps an individual cap of 2-3 kills against the same person per restart) Reward for detonating a suicide vest or speed bomb: 150 limited one per restart Reward for selling gold bar: 100 plus 60 to any nearby group members Reward for successfully lockpicking cars: 5 with a limit of 25 per restart Reward for selling drugs: 4 per 5k of drugs sold Reward for killing cops: 2 each with a limit of 25 per restart Reward of 1 per every war rating point earned. Reward for charge of robbery: 15 with a limit of 15 per restart (perhaps make it based on the amount of $ robbed, disallow gang/group robberies.) Reward for bank/fed robbery: 20 with a limit of 10 per restart 10 additional to the one who successfully finishes drilling into bank vault. Reward for prison break: 10. 20 additional if it is a success. Reward for selling dirty money to rebel: 25 for every 15k sold. No limit. Reward for harvesting organs: 30 Reward for executing someone: 5 with a limit of 20 per restart (disallow medics, gang, and group members) Add reward to chopping vehicles. Perhaps $2K gained at chop shop pays a 1 point reward, with bonuses for the vehicles the chop shop is looking for. Reward for black market production: must figure out how this will work. (Probably not gonna happen now that I have thought about it more) I'm thinking of the same 200/2000/10000/50000 that bounty hunter has. The possibilities are endless. Give feedback.
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