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  1. Youd be surprised, he has a massive effect on the mental state of that team, he makes them so confident and if you get the chem back w him stew, shroud etc it gets nutty. I think NA will get CRAZY if/when IBP is unbanned, get dazed, brax and AZK together again. Theyll go apeshit
  2. yeah but you said UK not EU lol, NA def better than any UK team and even EU is arguable, C9 is nuts if they brax back
  3. number doesnt matter when the NA scene has more skilled teams
  4. I disagree, look at players...just saying. Say a pro 2v2, best players, shroud/stewie 100% fuck any 2v2 UK players. Not even a question
  5. or or or, hear us out, you stop being a pussy bounty hunter
  6. 1000 capacity, depends on items/guns you store in it in terms of how many
  7. Ill get it in a bit, its next to atm, 2 story 3 crate
  8. I have a 2 crate near ephedra and another in Dp22 that is 3 crate
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