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APD Officer
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  1. _Peter liked a post in a topic by Tyler in Civilians must treat cops better   
    When people don't know the rules and claim you are getting banned makes me laugh my ass off every single time.
  2. _Peter liked a post in a topic by Masonn in Worldcup   
    I predict it's coming home.
  3. _Peter liked a post in a topic by bamf in Community Goals for July 2018   
    In addition to the normal goals that we have every month, this month will be slightly different.  I have hired @Poseidon to look through the Asylum code and work on (mainly) performance.  Many of you may know him as the former owner/developer of Olympus.  
    I've agreed to pay him for two weeks initially, but as the Community Goal amount increases for the month - so will the chance that will be able to keep him on longer as he makes improvements.  Here is your chance to directly impact server performance here at Asylum by donating money to that effort.  Hopefully we'll not only be done with the BE kicks, but also have much better server performance going forward very soon.  
    Also, if we hit tier 3 (or higher) during the month of July I will go ahead and unlock that now instead of waiting until August.  So there are two great reasons to donate to the Community Goals for this month.  
  4. _Peter liked a post in a topic by Bherky in GROTTY GANGS [APD] PART 2   
    "There's a spike strip in the middle of the road hes going to run into it, and he did... not"
  5. _Peter liked a post in a topic by skimancole in Æ | Acheron | S1 & 2 | OPEN   
    Roster Updated
  6. _Peter liked a post in a topic by bamf in Change log 8.0.8   
    OK, I'm going to relent (temporarily) and test something out.  Both of the main changes in this patch are temporary.  We're going to see how it effects things and then react.  With that being said:
    Money from the cartel fridge(s) will now automatically deposit into the gang account of the gang who owns the cartel.  This happens on an incremental basis (every 5 minutes), so you will still see money in the fridge (and can take it if it is there).  The trade off here is that we are no longer generating money to go into the fridge.  People have to sell drugs, turtles, scotch, etc to fill up Drug and Wong's.  People have to buy things at Rebel to fill up Arms.   All proceeds from robbing the bank will now be Banded Bank Notes.  No more gold bars from the bank.  Banded Bank Notes introduce a time wait to deposit money from the bank, so the APD can still chase you down... Exiting a vehicle should maintain your weapon fire rate (as it used to).  This was a bug from the performance patch.   Additional performance enhancements.  Minor things, but hey were still working on that too.    
    Hotfix 1:
    Y inventory should now drop to the ground where expected when someone dies in a vehicle.   Hotfix 2:
    Increased the prison break combat radius Increased the radius that prisoners can move around in the prison (get shanking boys) Made a small map change at the prison to (hopefully) prevent an exploit Hotfix 3:
    Tweaked the prison radius again.  Should solve both issues:  not being able to create shanks and the inability to escape after a prison break.
  7. _Peter liked a post in a topic by bamf in The Great Fridge vs. Auto Paying Cartels Poll   
    I'm coding something up to let you guys have this for a week or two as a test.  I'm doing it in a lazy way, but it will be low effort on my part to make it so (and then undo it if necessary).  
  8. DosWolf liked a post in a topic by _Peter in Change log 8.0.7   
    ^^^ Happens to me as well
  9. _Peter liked a post in a topic by bamf in Something new on the way?   
    Removed the link.  Thanks for pointing it out!
  10. Seán That Irish Guy liked a post in a topic by _Peter in Change log 8.0.7   
    ^^^ Happens to me as well
  11. DosWolf liked a post in a topic by _Peter in Æ | Acheron | S1 & 2 | OPEN   
    In-game name: Peter
    Age: 18
    Arma 3 hours (screenshot): 2170 https://gyazo.com/b0fc76dd1fe6fb6a87c8e9932908a1eb
    Location/Timezone: EST
    Past/Current Gangs: Independent Slayers
    Bank Balance: 1mil
    Do you have a working mic? Yes
    Why do you want to join Acheron ? Isamu told me too, had fun playing with you all
    What can you bring to Acheron ? Cartel experience, general knowledge from 3 years of playing, Rebel and BH
    Are there any current members who can vouch for you? Isamu, Berg
  12. _Peter liked a post in a topic by Gatorade in Change log 8.0.7   
    See this is the kind of thing that has been needed for so long. Even if you dont make any breaking ground you just put in the change log what you attempted. It gets people excited to know that you are working on all this  stuff weather or not it works out is less important than knowing all the attempts.
    Nice work to all the people involved in this
  13. _Peter liked a post in a topic by Kazzanski in Change log 8.0.7   
    LAG so far today as been almost non existent
  14. _Peter liked a post in a topic by Codie Alterman in Change log 8.0.0   
    +100 This is some very good content for the community. Keep it coming Devs!
  15. _Peter liked a post in a topic by Leady in #BringBackTanoa   
    Bring Back AUS if were bringing back stuff with potential.
  16. _Peter liked a post in a topic by Hanzo/Dirty Scrubz in Suggestions for 8.0 and beyond   
    So I was having a conversation on TS w/someone about how we've grown a bit bored of Asylum due to the lack of new features and 8.0 was brought up and what I thought would make the server a bit more interesting. Here's some things we discussed:
    Make gas stations be player owned: A player can lease a gas station (e.g. for 50k per restart) and then all % of inventory sales + 100% of gas sales from the attendant goes into a store account (similar to a gang account) which is withdrawn 20-30 mins before a server restart. However, the gas must be supplied by the player who is tasked with running oil and refining it and then filling up the gas station. In addition, other players could rob gas stations like they do now but if they succeed, then a % of the money they steal comes from the pool of money that was being saved for the owner so it gives incentive for the owner to defend their property and downing mags would be preferred so they don't end up with manslaughter charges. Of course, vehicle gas usage would have to increase for this to be more feasible. Bring back Asylum Exchange: Since we're on 64-bit now, tweak it a bit and bring back a dynamic economy based on player crafted items.   Gun manufacturing: Add another firearm manufacturing plant and payout. Then make legal guns based on demand again and whoever is crafting a gun will be able to see which city needs which gun the most and if for example a city like Kavala is low on rooks, a player can craft those and sell them at the gun store for increased profits vs a city that is flush with rooks.  Fed Reserve & Bank: Players savings should earn interest from the fed reserve & bank. For example, if money is placed in the fed reserve account, you earn a higher interest rate (e.g. 5%) but if someone robs it successfully and you do not have insurance, then you lose a % of your money (e.g. up to 10%). The bank would work the same way but with a lower interest rate return and less loss in a successful robbery where you do not have insurance. The money robbed from the bank and fed reserve should be based on a % of the total amt of money that the players online have stored there. So if you have a 100 player server, a lot more money will be stored in the fed reserve/bank and you get a bigger payout. Of course, both would have to increase in difficulty if player money is at stake.  Prison breaks: This one's simple, if a successful prison break occurs and you escape from prison for 10-15 minutes, the system should wipe your charges. If you softlog, you get sent right back to prison. This would encourage more people to do prison breaks to get their friends out. Of course, put the prison back on Pyrgos and make the system a bit more simple.  Cartels: I know this is a touchy subject and I've brought this up before so I'll do it again: In addition to adding in better locations + designs, add in a money laundering facility as an option to get 50% more payout. For example, if you go to a cartel and get $100k, you can take it straight to rebel outpost and get 100% of the value since its not laundered but if you fly/drive to a money laundering facility on the map, you can launder it (with a processing bar) for 150% value. This enables people to rob you if you want the extra 50% + gives APD something to do if the money laundering facility is illegal.  APD smokes: A simple request but give the APD more than just white for smoke.  APD lights: Add in destrahs APD lights, everyone wants them. 
  17. _Peter liked a post in a topic by dennozZ in Craftable Vests and Clothes?   
    Thanks for the info. Now i am camping s1 blackmarket!
  18. _Peter liked a post in a topic by Sr_Sinful in If you like History   
    Much better; nice job. The body of the blog post is a lot stronger now imo and the intro is much less shaky. 
  19. badger liked a post in a topic by _Peter in If you like History   
    Super off-topic, but if you're interested in history look this over.
    I've been working on starting a blog and wanted a couple opinions on my first post.
    It's about a US Navy Ship that blew up in 1898.
    I'd appreciate any helpful feedback on the post or blog itself as I'm really new to this. 
  20. Blocker liked a post in a topic by _Peter in If you like History   
    Super off-topic, but if you're interested in history look this over.
    I've been working on starting a blog and wanted a couple opinions on my first post.
    It's about a US Navy Ship that blew up in 1898.
    I'd appreciate any helpful feedback on the post or blog itself as I'm really new to this. 
  21. _Peter liked a post in a topic by Sr_Sinful in If you like History   
    Layout is nice and all but from an English perspective it's not that great. You add a lot of unnecessary phrases, and when you report about something as factual as history you should avoid using the first person (then again this is a blog), but the former is the most egregious of the offenses. A couple of examples of this is when you say "The specific one I wanted to talk about today" or "Whichever side you choose to stand with." In fact, this whole sentence is irritating to read: "A majority would claim this was a pretty new development that came along with the 2016 US election, but many don't realize that this is false," because it can be condensed immensely. The reason those phrases/sentence are so annoying to read is because they don't add anything to the conversation. You can tell a phrase is useless if you remove it from the sentence and it still makes perfect sense, or it just flat out adds no value. 
    Sorry if I was too critical, but the English teacher in me couldn't help myself. Pretty well made though from a technical point of view. Other than all the English stuff, good job
  22. Farmer Steve liked a post in a topic by _Peter in If you like History   
    Super off-topic, but if you're interested in history look this over.
    I've been working on starting a blog and wanted a couple opinions on my first post.
    It's about a US Navy Ship that blew up in 1898.
    I'd appreciate any helpful feedback on the post or blog itself as I'm really new to this. 
  23. Xehons liked a post in a topic by _Peter in If you like History   
    Super off-topic, but if you're interested in history look this over.
    I've been working on starting a blog and wanted a couple opinions on my first post.
    It's about a US Navy Ship that blew up in 1898.
    I'd appreciate any helpful feedback on the post or blog itself as I'm really new to this. 
  24. _Peter liked a post in a topic by Dylan123 in If you like History   
    Nice !
  25. _Peter liked a post in a topic by Ronald in If you like History   
    I can't read but the layout looks nice
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