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AFD Paramedic
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Posts posted by Master27411

  1. 13 minutes ago, HomeUser said:

    Yes because we all value our lives. Just like when civs know cops are on lethal and they sit on the bank roof peaking us or continue to sit at the prison and keep getting revived. You and I both know this isnt a hardcore RP server so don't sit there pretending it is

    Spend more time giving me a reason to drop my gear and you can have it. Its very simple

    I am the same way

    Golophin087 likes this
  2. 1 hour ago, Chow Mein said:

    I feel this should not be a straight to jail charge. I know it is optional but now if a cop does not like you its "send him to jail". I've even seen higher ups telling cadets to send straight to jail and that's not a good learning experience for them. Most cops just want the money there's always a few who want to role play but at the end of the day I don't want to be sent straight to jail because they are too lazy to or sit in there for 45 mins because I killed 2 cops and did the prison.

    Usually I only do it if they are being a complete dick or if there is another event like a prison, then I will usually send them, otherwise I’m up for role play

  3. 2 minutes ago, Gen. Henry Arnold said:

    Spar for Constable+, MX for cpl+, MXM for sgt+

    This would be nerfing the ranks and any fire power we have against rebels. As of now it can sometimes take 2 shots to the head to down a rebel

  4. Just now, Sikorsky said:

    there is no armor stacking currently

    still think it should be removed from community goals though

    I know armor stacking isn’t a think right now, but with csats and a tax vest it can still be hard for even 6.5mm to penetrate 

  5. Just now, TheCrestedPenguin said:

    What gun do you suggest?

    Maybe the spar16s because it has a drum mag and at least you will have plenty in your mag to actually down someone since armor stacking is a pain

  6. I think Sgt+ should have there own weapon just like corporals have the mxm and lieutenants have the MK1. Yes, Sgts+ have the mx that shoots smokes, but that’s all it’s good for. I mean 6.5mm doesn’t go through shit these days, especially with armor stacking. Thoughts?

    Blake. likes this
  7. If there is one thing I learned about kavala is that you need to pick your battles. I used to be in farmersville when I started to play so I know what kavala is like. If I go to kavala and I am the only one there, then I will just holster my weapon and talk to people because I am choosing to be friendly and not start a war in kavala. That is why most officers get kidnapped and don’t want to go back is because they started a war they can’t win

  8. 34 minutes ago, Big Fred said:

    Everyone is into Scotch, because they realized it's a quicker haul and frankly, a bigger payout from your mats house.

    I agree scotch has a bigger payout and cops don’t patrol it much because it’s so far away. Don’t get me wrong I check there quite a bit.


    26 minutes ago, Donutkiller said:

    So true, I guess cops should stop paroling meth when I definitely don't run it.

    Lmao. There have been quite a bit of fights at banks and prisons mostly that keep us quite busy so we don’t patrol as much, but I like the fighting and plus it gives new people a chance to make some money

  9. 6 minutes ago, Gen. Henry Arnold said:

    Hotfix #1:

    • Fixed cops not being charged for re-gearing.
    • Fixed player tags not showing correctly in vehicles.
    • Adjusted federal reserve gold spawns.
    • Added sling load safety parachute to all factions.
    • Replaced MX with MXM in Rebel Air Drop.

    your not supposed to fix the first bullet lmao jk

    Rag likes this
  10. 50 minutes ago, danile666 said:

    I agree we should get rid of the kavala black market and bring back the lakka one.  The one moved just doesnt make sense. 

    +1 i thought they would have realized that the kavala one is never used and moved it

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