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AFD Paramedic
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Everything posted by Master27411

  1. Did you guys fix the uniform glitch? When you put on the bape uniform and died with it you would be in a different uniform once revived. @Azeh Career medic
  2. My load out on cop is like 9 or 10k, and if I have a couple flash bangs and smokes it can run up to like 15k. Pretty sure BH was about the same. It all depends on the loadout someone is using
  3. I believe it is still open to people wanting to sell stuff
  4. They gotta test and make sure there aren’t any bugs
  5. Just wasted 4 minutes and 30 seconds of my life watching this awful montage
  6. Application Format In Game Name: Master27411 Age: 20 Are you a member of the APD (rank): Retired Sgt Have you been banned on Asylum? If so how long and what for?: Once for VDM, but it was resolved Any previous Gangs: Altis Dankest Memes Hours: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1880856123
  7. Talk about the knee pads. No offense to Aslan
  8. Well homeuser has a point, so I don’t know why you want to block him from seeing suggestions
  9. I don’t think you know how asylum works. What Homeuser said is completely true
  10. I don’t own any houses anymore because I’m a career cop lol
  11. @Farmer Steve@Bag Of FunyunsI can see you guys driving the tractor around kavala
  12. The tractor should be the Apds new armor
  13. I agree scotch has a bigger payout and cops don’t patrol it much because it’s so far away. Don’t get me wrong I check there quite a bit. Lmao. There have been quite a bit of fights at banks and prisons mostly that keep us quite busy so we don’t patrol as much, but I like the fighting and plus it gives new people a chance to make some money
  14. your not supposed to fix the first bullet lmao jk
  15. I don't see anyone making drugs these days anyways so I don't think its a big deal tbh
  16. Server pops have been kinda low lately so I’m glad it’s being taken into consideration
  17. +1 i thought they would have realized that the kavala one is never used and moved it
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