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APD Corporal
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  1. Silver-Spy liked a post in a topic by Maaqs in Month and a half Wipe Reflection   
    With little to no communication since wipe, it has gotten stale real fast. We went "back in time" with removing so many things with the wipe, but did not shake up the map/server in a way that would retain players.  A few of the changes that came with wipe were nice QoL things but all in all, Asylum is still feels the exact same it did years ago and likely doesn't feel 'fresh' anymore to anyone with a few hundred hours much less thousands on Asylum.
    Re-adding Shipping/Evidence lockup is/was nice, but I also wonder: Are the plans moving forward to just re-add the things we had pre-wipe? And if so, then there was no real point to wiping.
    I remember mentioning it months ago when you had the test weekend for wipe and stating in the community get-together, I felt like a reshuffle of the map would have been a good idea, and I still stand by that even now post-wipe.  Asylum may have wiped, but nothing has really stood out to me since the first week once I had a little bit of money/houses.
  2. Silver-Spy liked a post in a topic by SNOOOP in Proposal for the Introduction of Special Response Teams (SRT)   
    Objective: To enhance the APD's ability to handle barricaded suspects and provide a new role for SWAT officers, ensuring more effective responses to high-stakes situations where suspects have barricaded themselves.
    Current Issues:
    SWAT's primary role often revolves around Federal Emergency Dispatches (FEDS), leaving gaps in handling barricaded suspects. Lower-ranked officers frequently encounter barricaded suspects without sufficient options or resources. High-ranking officers (LT+) are not always available, which limits the response capabilities for barricaded situations. SRT Overview: SRT will be a specialized unit within the APD designed to handle situations involving suspects who have barricaded themselves inside a building. This unit will offer a new challenge for SWAT officers and provide crucial support in resolving high-risk situations.
    Activation Requirements for SRT:
    Personnel Requirements:
    1 SRT CPL (Corporal) to lead the team on scene. 4 SRT officers in attendance (excluding the SRT CPL). Situational Requirements:
    The suspect must have a bounty of 50K or more. The suspect must be actively shooting out of the building at officers or civilians. Operational Procedures:
    Announcement of Intent:
    The SRT CPL must announce their intent to breach the property to the suspect via direct chat. The announcement should read: "THIS IS SRT CPL [Name]. YOU HAVE 15 SECONDS TO EXIT THE BUILDING AND SURRENDER YOURSELF. FAILURE TO COMPLY WILL RESULT IN A BREACH." Breach:
    If the suspect does not surrender within 15 seconds, the SRT will initiate a door breach. This will involve a 10-second interaction to breach the door, rather than a simple unlock, ensuring a more realistic and methodical approach. Priority Rule:
    If a FED is active, it takes priority over the house raid. All SRT members must return to the nearest PD and reroute to the FED. Additional Benefits:
    Leadership Development:
    Provides CPLs with valuable experience in leading tactical operations, which is beneficial for those aspiring to become SGTs in the future. New Charges:
    Introduces a new charge for "Barricaded Suspect" with a maximum fine of 20K, applicable if the suspect does not surrender within the given timeframe after the breach announcement. New Skins:
    Opens the door for new skins for SRT uniforms and vehicles, providing a distinct visual identity for the SRT unit and enhancing the overall game experience. Conclusion: The introduction of SRT will provide the APD with a more structured and efficient approach to handling barricaded suspects. It will also offer SWAT officers new goals and responsibilities, enhance operational effectiveness, provide leadership development opportunities for CPLs, and introduce new customization options for uniforms and vehicles.

    i did use CHATgpt for all this but i had to come up with the idea first and type what i wanted Chatgpt to do they just cleaned it up and made it look nice.
  3. Silver-Spy liked a post in a topic by Tusken Raider in Locked Police HQ Checkpoint Gates and Doors   
    Hasn't been a problem for the last 10 years, if you want gutters to play cop go to FiveM.
  4. Silver-Spy liked a post in a topic by DarkKnight in group limit   
    I have used the hawk against you guys because of the constant fed spam over the last few days. It has been non stop. You guys say the hawk is annoying to deal with even though you still win most of the time. I think you guys forget it is annoying on the cop side to have to show up to the fed over and over and fight the same group all day. Most cops these days want to chill and go on patrol and fight a fed here and there. When you guys are on they barely have time to go check fields or interact with other players. So yes, I have been using the hawk against you guys to give you a rough time and help boost morale on cop. I'm just trying to help the cops have some fun and catch a win occasionally. 
    Refering to your comment on me patroling with an armed hawk. That did not happen. Snoop was the one who sent the message and he was just trolling him. At the time the hawk was not armed. I would never do that. Except for one other bank I have only used the hawk this wipe against your gang. 
    Clearly this has caused a lot of drama. I am not a toxic person or want to ruin anyones experience. I want people to have fun on the server and stick around. I will pull back my usage of the hawk. I also welcome anyone reading this to feel free and message me when I'm in teamspeak and we can have a constructive talk about any of these issues.
  5. Silver-Spy liked a post in a topic by Ken in group limit   
    Tbh its kinda crazy that when the civs outnumber the cops and win its "get good retard, skill issue".

    But when the cops are forced to fight federal event after federal event and finally get enough cops online and outnumber the civs its "Ahh my vagina hurts, let me run to the forums".

    People are only happy if they are winning. =/
  6. Silver-Spy liked a post in a topic by 王 rando 王 in group limit   
    What!?!? @DarkKnight spawning a Ghost Hawk and ruining events?? That would never happen.
  7. Silver-Spy liked a post in a topic by SNOOOP in group limit   
    @Darknight is more active then the current "active captains" havent seen one of our "active captains" in like 3 weeks i see DK on almost everyday doing more then all of the "active captains" combind
  8. Silver-Spy liked a post in a topic by Louie in group limit   
    Wait we have active captains?
  9. Silver-Spy liked a post in a topic by Innate in group limit   
    Don't worry you have someone who thinks they are an active CPT
  10. Silver-Spy liked a post in a topic by Tom in group limit   
    I will say, there is no need for a Ghost Hawk when the numbers are that one sided.
    Unless a Titan is added to the server to take it out to balance things out.
  11. Silver-Spy liked a post in a topic by Jr4life24 in group limit   
    Ghost hawk pulled and not even an active captain was online. 🤷‍♂️
  12. Silver-Spy liked a post in a topic by Chris Peacock in group limit   
    they also bust out the ghost hawk where the only defense to hold the evidence is wallbangable deerstands.... ZZZzzzzzz
  13. Silver-Spy liked a post in a topic by .Max in group limit   
    12 civs in a group but 20+ cop slots? Evidence requires 12 cops but u can only have 12 civs?
  14. Silver-Spy liked a post in a topic by Fitz in Changelog August   
    Found a bug? Click here to file a bug report!
    Got some development ideas? Click here!
    Please consider using the Asylum Launcher to download the mission file and join the server.
    This helps the server by reducing load from everyone downloading the mission file at once and helps you get in the server faster! (on a normal connection it will take a second or two to download vs the full minute when downloading using the game itself) it will also launch the game and connect you straight to the server.
    This the changelog for August, as with the previous Changelog we are posting the notes prior to the server going live with the update.  We will update the server today Friday 8/9/24 @ 4 :00PM EST.
    Scalable Drug Runners The Drug Runners have beefed up their payments in favor of those who excel at evading APD radar.  Payouts are based on a multiplier of average height throughout the mission. 50m < = 65% of total distance 40m <= 75% of total distance 30m <= 90% of total distance 20m <= 100% of total distance 15m <= 120% of total distance 10m <= 140% of total distance Uranium Rocks Small mossy rocks have been spotted in the Uranium mine, gather them to gather uranium interactively. Quests: Pablos Go-To 25 Drug Runners under 15m in height -> Unlock the Caesar Racing for Drug Runner mission Domination Developer Event Developers and CMs are now able to start the Domination Admin Event on the island.  This is temporary until we have the payouts worked out, and some feedback in mind. We will hold the inaugural Domination Event on S1 Today 8/9/24 at 7:30 PM EST !! Three flags appear on the drug peninsula to be fought over, two safe-zone rebels spawn on either end. You will be able to spawn at the rebels once the event is active. You gain points for holding the flags, most points wins. The event runs for 1 hr You cannot arson kit houses during the event Arms Cartel does not receive a cut of weapons bought at the Safe Zones Payouts are dependent on the number of people who are participating in the event, more the merrier! Shipping Robbery Shipping robberies have returned to the island. Bribe the dockworkers at Athira Chop Shop to start the mission Low value -> 10,000 Med Value -> 15000, High Value -> 25000 Low value -> 4 Cops, Med Value -> 5 Cops, High Value -> 6 cops Deliver to any of the 25%, 50%, 75%,100% areas on the map to receive payment If the vehicle does not move for 5 minutes it will self destruct, if it moves to far the wrong direction it will self destruct Evidence Lockup The APD Evidence Lockup has returned full of the loot being seized from APD officers. 12 cops required to complete Disable the security fence by hacking the laptop inside the barracks building Place a demo charge on the dome to start the 15-minute wait to breach the dome Drive away in the HMMT full of stolen goods! Casino Heist The Asylum Casino has re-opened its doors for illegal gambling. 5 cops online required Place a demo-charge on the laptop at the front door to breach the compound -> 5 Minutes Once inside you will have 10 minutes to hack the terminals with a Trojan Virus USB on the three actively used casino tables Once all the terminals have been infected they will take 10 minutes to disable the security Once successful the money will spawn in the subterranean vault. .45 caliber and below weapons only, APD spawn with Vermins on SWAT and during the event APD will be able to buy one free gun within 5 minutes of the event being secured to offset the first weapon they had to buy Payout is scalable to number of cops online Interactive Lockpicking Lockpicking has been reworked to include a realistic lock and tumbler Use W/A/S/D and the mouse to more effectively lockpick vehicles and handcuffs You can toggle interactive vs non interactive via the phone menu You can now lockpick vehicles that are unlocked Goodbye ifrits Upgraded Interaction Menu action key 10 or windows key totally reworked new and improved radial menu 4 different states depending on how many actions are available disabling scroll options in settings now does nothing. FaceTime when calling someone on the phone a new option to call with video will appear call is handled the same way as a normal phone call except with an additional video feed Drug Container drop has been re-enabled, Pixie Dust can be processed at any drug dealer. You can now spawn at safe zone rebels during gang fort/boat More bergen variants All clear menu now saves the preference of sorting Changed:
    Cartel Rewards Gangs that capture a cartel continues to hold the benefits for holding it for 15 minutes after it has been captured by another gang Opening and closing doors via U key All types of doors can now be opened and closed. Nearest door will no longer open but instead opens the one currently being looked at. You can now open and close the infamous shed door within shed door Fixed:
    Glass can now be bought/Sold on Asylum Exchange Small Bergen bag no longer holds 112. Something with Qilins exploding The "All Clear" app now saved your previously selected filter (e.g. distance, alphabetically) Hotfix #1
    Fixed interaction menu restrain action Hotfix #2
    Fixed drug runner height check Fixed interaction menu actions Fixed interaction menu showing up with no actions
  15. MarchingBands liked a post in a topic by Silver-Spy in Win 250k!!! ?(Go karting)   
    Id be down to see go karts explode 
  16. Silver-Spy liked a post in a topic by Kelly in Win 250k!!! ?(Go karting)   
    Wow no screenshot how am I supposed to know what time you have
  17. Silver-Spy liked a post in a topic by .Max in Gang Fortress/Gang Boat   
  18. Silver-Spy liked a post in a topic by Samperino in Rotate Active Federal Events   
    Add back all the federal events but rotate them every few days either randomly or on a rotation. Have 2 or 3 active (able to be robbed) at a time.
  19. Silver-Spy liked a post in a topic by Infamous [FULL SEND] in Bring back armour stacking   
    some people should be banished from making suggestions
  20. Silver-Spy liked a post in a topic by Alex. in Bring back armour stacking   
    shouldnt you sponge them bullets anyway fatty
  21. Silver-Spy liked a post in a topic by Chris Peacock in House Changes   
    Increase the storage on houses... you guys lowered the max houses so let us have more storage
    Also make the Sickle purchasable at market and make it not 5k
  22. Silver-Spy liked a post in a topic by Iuke in Vehicle Different 3D Style Concepts (thread)   
    newest one im working on ^ (246KB so far)
  23. Silver-Spy liked a post in a topic by Iuke in Vehicle Different 3D Style Concepts (thread)   
    These aren't intended to be added to the server, but are just some concepts I made out of boredom. However, if a dev finds something like this to be worth adding ill be happy to work with them to make it happen, but things such as file size and performance definitely makes this difficult to add.

    These are just concepts, definitely not finished and can use a lot more work but its mainly me seeing what is possible, this is all without mods. Also all of the added model has 0 collision so it wont affect gameplay, only visual/cosmetic.

    1 Venom/Infected Ifrit v.0
    2 Cyber Ifrit v.0
    3 Fractured Ifrit v.0

    I tried keeping them as low poly as possible but even then each file is about 200KB - 3MB

    Reply with any other ideas you have that I could maybe make

    I've discontinued the venom style / purple fractured style as I don't really like them and want to make better versions, the cyber ifrit is still one I'm working on to make perfect

  24. Silver-Spy liked a post in a topic by Aslan in House Changes   
    This is crazy what was the wipe for? its good as it is
  25. Silver-Spy liked a post in a topic by MoLu. in gang factory   
    Let me fucking summarize his article, he wants to add two gang bases to the server.Just it
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