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APD Officer
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Everything posted by painkiller

  1. I used to turn my engine on/off to make sure it didnt despawn. If you know your going to be out there gathering for a long time, make sure to interact with your vehicle so it dont despawn.
  2. A wise man told me once that you holding your own dick is the same as holding everyone elses dick. So holding your own dick makes you atleast 10% gay, so if you try to suck your own wiener i would say that is atleast a 45-50% gay in my opinion.
  3. i dont feel like getting buttstock smacked by a pdw from some random pleb. I would rather get shot☺️
  4. here is my steam:https://steamcommunity.com/id/notivc/ here is myasylum: https://my.gaming-asylum.com/profile/search?pid=76561198300883892 Thanks🦍
  5. why is it snowing all the time, can it rain instead of snowing by any chance or is the snow just to prepare us for christmas?🤨
  6. My man out here dreaming of a rap career...
  7. can we add the scientiest clothes with the blue tie to the game stores. it is a white basically like the marshal clothes just with a blue tie it would add a little bit more to the clothing store.
  8. yeah mine are red instead of white for some reason ?
  9. on my asylum my houses purchase date and expire date is red. it says they expire tommorow the 1//2/2020 and i was just wondering are they going to expire because i have been on civ all week?
  10. happy new year yall. hoping we gonna be adding suits in 2020.
  11. so i played dayz again after a while and i came across the chest holster, is it possible to add this to asylum servers ? https://www.google.com/search?q=chest+holster+dayz&safe=strict&sxsrf=ACYBGNT3m8zSeF5hbKT2-3Pr6PXBG6BAqw:1572571745101&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwidkYCi7sflAhVhUt8KHZFCCr0Q_AUIEigB&biw=1920&bih=937#imgrc=Oe33F_aeOJ0B-M:
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