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APD Corporal
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Everything posted by Sp0on

  1. Are you saying coc doesnt apply? Because thats what it literally says. Idk how else to explain it to you.
  2. I so love the 3 hatchback approach. Good shit. That would have caught me off guard tbh
  3. why would someone vote no to this? As long as they script it to where you have to have bounty hunter license in order to craft the gun, I say go for it.
  4. or you could go get laid like a normal fucking person
  5. Coc if a cpl tells a constable to do something then the general rule is that constable should do what they are told. Again not to say you should blindly follow orders. If you are asked to do something that you dont feel comfortable then you can bring up the circumstance/issue with a higher up (lt plus if necessary)
  6. Youre not wrong But you could be subjected to disciplinary action if you directly disobey. Not to say that you should blindly follow orders.
  7. yes and no. if a cpl+ tells you directly to do something then it's best for you to do so.(if you are below their rank. COC after all)
  8. (REAL QUICK HOW DO I EMBED. IM RETIRED/TARDED) ANYWAYS. good shit. what are your thoughts on this? I agree with the decision. this is a light rp server. Scenario: I roll up to coke. I stop to mark the area as clear but I'm still inside the red zone and while I'm in the map to mark the area i get killed. I never marked the area as clear. I'm going to drive back like a fucking bot. I want my car BACK NOW*. I MAY ALSO want my vehicle back that may be full of your drugs/guns that you've failed to get during a previous interaction but i had to rush into my own backup call. OPINIONS? I personally love the idea. If you can kill someone once then you should be able to do it again.
  9. With a montage like yours you proly should be
  10. Im sure he wasnt looking for your specific approval. If you see something that you dont like, you can keep your opinion to yourself.
  11. not a badly written poem tbh. keep up the dream!
  12. Why not load up your houses with medical supplies like any other normal person
  13. My point was that you look silly insulting a person's intelligence while using improper grammar. That's all.
  14. Ok. I apologize if you felt as if i was attempting to invalidated your gaming experience. It would be nice if you could provide an explaination of your opinion besides posting a hit and run. I also would like to add that I'm not perfect, but there are 3 reasons why you used the word "your" wrong. It's whatevs
  15. My fucking dude if you dont know the fucking weight of what you are carrying they why are you carrying those items?
  16. Medics cant infamy but im smelling what youre stepping in.
  17. S3 has always been a mutual understanding between the two main gangs. Once that understanding has been breached then there is a conflict. Conflict=politics=the gang that has the most political pull will win=more space for fights with the larger gangs being able to shut the entire server down. Rinse and repeat. S3 is where you find the most of humanity imo AND GOD FUCKING BLESS THE Apd OF 3. Btw @Phil | OG no. Your kavala playing ass shouldn't have a say on much of anything. Thank you for your time. @TRYHARD all of the servers represent the gangs/individualized Entities based within the communities that they participate with. Unless they allow whitelisting for cpls + whitelisting for all servers and have a housing option somehow dub/carried over for EACH player then i dont see such things being a viable option for our community.
  18. RON if i werent retired id have a talk with you about using a civilian vehicle while youre in uniform. Support or not. YOURE NOT above DEH LAWL.
  19. 5 days late but whattya mean yikes you fucking prick? are you jealous? <3
  20. This just make sure to switch the serial number sticker^
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