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APD Corporal
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Posts posted by Sp0on

  1. 2 hours ago, ChicoXL said:


    I see nothing about CPL being able to tell a constable to follow a precinct rule

    Coc if a cpl tells a constable to do something then the general rule is that constable should do what they are told. Again not to say you should blindly follow orders. If you are asked to do something that you dont feel comfortable then you can bring up the circumstance/issue with a higher up (lt plus if necessary)

  2. 10 hours ago, Jesse said:

    Right click the image -> Click Copy Image Address -> Paste that URL in your post...

    The image you wish to embed has to have the file type on the end... So you would have pasted this in your post and it'll autoembed:


    I edited your post with the embed link.


  3. 7d5ab734f24645aeabf23f1130503ead.png


    ANYWAYS. good shit. what are your thoughts on this?

    I agree with the decision. this is a light rp server.

    Scenario: I roll up to coke. I stop to mark the area as clear but I'm still inside the red zone and while I'm in the map to mark the area i get killed.

    I never marked the area as clear. I'm going to drive back like a fucking bot. I want my car BACK NOW*. I MAY ALSO want my vehicle back that may be full of your drugs/guns that you've failed to get during a previous interaction but i had to rush into my own backup call.


    I personally love the idea. If you can kill someone once then you should be able to do it again.


  4. 13 hours ago, Phil | OG said:


    I agree the first one should be you're, but the next two are absolutely "your" because they can't be replaced with you are. Thank you grammar police, that's normally what someone resorts to when they don't have a leg to stand on. Oh, and you spelled "explanation" wrong...


    My point was that you look silly insulting a person's intelligence while using improper grammar. That's all. 

  5. 1 hour ago, Phil | OG said:

    Lol, when your this ignorant your opinion means nothing. Can you actually be that stupid? The alcohol must have killed almost every brain cell you have, can you even wipe your own ass?

    Ok. I apologize if you felt as if i was attempting to invalidated your gaming experience. It would be nice if you could provide an explaination of your opinion besides posting a hit and run.


    I also would like to add that I'm not perfect, but there are 3 reasons why you used the word "your" wrong.



    It's whatevs


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