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Bad Samaritan

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Everything posted by Bad Samaritan

  1. Not sure what this guy is on about. Tons of 3C houses in Kavala/Aggelochori that are market, probably a decent number of 3C and 2C open in Pyrgos, Sofia, and the small towns around the map. Only places with tight real estate are the Athira area, industrial sheds, and high value redzones/free fire. If you don't have a solid strategic house, don't cry to the devs to add more houses, go buy a less valuable house and grind until you can afford to buy one from a player or go check the areas daily for market houses. People forget to log and default their houses all the time. People need to free up a slot and sell houses. Actually earn it instead of crying for a handout.
  2. Flip the script and make Sofia spawn city.
  3. Not sure housing is a front running issue right now. Pop is pretty low, and every city aside from Athira has plenty of 2c and 3c homes on market for default price. There are even strategic houses in some of the lesser run drug pros/fields that newbies could use to stage runs if they knew about them. What newbies need is better outreach, showing them how to fend for themselves.
  4. Kavala's descent into ghost town status began as soon as I shut down KPD. Some would call it correlation, I call it causation. Give me whitelist slots, ten shitters, an office building, and a KPD hatchback skin; Kavala will be back on top of the spawn list. Fuck Athira. Now you know how everyone else in this thread felt reading your OP.
  5. -1 Better idea: draw a border north to south at Agios Dionysios and make everything west of that rebel territory. APD shot on sight, etc. Then, make KPD a whitelist faction and let it patrol Kavala, only in a more corrupt and drug friendly way. There's your RP content, bitch.
  6. The whole audience for city based syndicates would be newbies and small gangs that need the growing cash. It's not like those people were going to go challenge cartel anyway when most of the day Free Fire is crawling with the same two to three 6+ man teams. And I don't blame them. Anyone who doesn't have 5k hours running cartels and an established gang behind them gets called a shitter and told to uninstall.
  7. - Better lifetime quests for all legal money making methods with good buffs that make them worth grinding and encourage long term use of the method - Some type of quest add on or contract system that pays good for certain legal activities, but will void if you commit a crime while it's active - Maybe create a type of gang like "business" group that behaves like the contract idea, only being lucrative if you're legal, while offering insurances against robbery - Up the value of all drugs/spirits/contraband, but also up all tickets so the reward is balanced to risk. Drugs should feel like a dangerous shortcut rather than a requirement to even afford your house tax. - If illegals upped, give legal methods a slight boost too so they aren't totally abandoned - Split quarries to be more specific: copper mine, iron mine, gem mine - Similar to Boomerman's idea, have "mini-cartels" for each major city or drug that layer under the cuts of the main cartels, but only if all illegals have a major price buff - Make the value of the mats used to craft guns/vics/vests far far less than market value. As it is, crafting is only worth it for large crafting operations that control turfs and cartels. This would make black market more lively, mines more lively, other crafting mat fields more lively, and make exchange an actual marketplace people go for things.
  8. Jewelry crafting is bugged. I have the mats for a watch, but it says I don't have the correct mats. https://ibb.co/sydyKLr https://ibb.co/vmss2yg https://ibb.co/4Z3mVtY
  9. LSD was broken money in it's day, eclipsed only by the monster that was house weed. The powers that be did right by nerfing it, but they over did it to the point that LSD simply isn't profitable against some of the other illegal routes. A purified sheet is dogwater for the risk, one would be better off running coke bricks, meth, or spirits. If you want to see LSD get life, I'd suggest making it possible to age pills into sheets again (using lead lined housing) while keeping the nerfed sheet price. Of course, having a money maker that is even partially passive triggers the hell out of some, so I have doubts that it would ever be considered.
  10. Was just getting on to post about this. Jewelry crafting has lots of steps involved, and due to the weight of the rolled metals you can't really craft very much at a time. This wouldn't be bad if you weren't forced to then go straight to Warlord to sell the unstorable jewelry. Not very profitable per-minute when you consider how much work and risk is involved. Western Warlord would be nice, but not even really necessary. Just make the crafted products storable, and this will be a viable money making method.
  11. Rolling silver/gold and crafting jewelry don't currently give any infamy. Intentional?
  12. New legal, illegal, and crafting content. Badass.
  13. >Go to rebel to buy some mags >Map now shows that you are in rebel >Every rat and their mother will be rocketing to rebel to kill you Honestly worse than campers.
  14. For years rebels and bounty hunters have asked for certain kit pieces that APD have regular access to, but for balancing reasons are never made buyable to the civ population. What if there was a way, albeit heavily limited, to acquire these items without having to abduct cops? Concept: Add an NPC known as the Assassin Shop or Fixer Shop that sells a limited stock of high value end-game items such as police clothing, black guns, suppressors, bipods, and possibly even a mid range scope such as the MOS (5x max zoom). The Assassin would have a limited supply of these special items, with his stock being random based on restart. For example, one cycle he may have a set of police black NVGs, a rifle bipod, and a handgun suppressor, while the next he might have a mag of 7.62 downing rounds, a black PO7, and a police hat. Balances: •The items would be one time buys, so once the three or so items are bought the Assassin is out of stock for the rest of the cycle. All prices would be nothing short of exorbitant as all items for sale are smuggled APD equipment, likely a minimum of 100k for even the most benign items. •To make the shop more exclusive, the NPC would be hidden in highly obscure, unmarked locations; the top of an old hiking trail in the forest, in the back alley of a destroyed village with nothing of value around, tucked away in an alley on the outskirts of one of the bigger cities, etc. The Assassin would be rotated to a new, secret location every restart, preventing him from being easily farmed. I am not sure if making the location rotate to entirely fresh locations without repetition is feasible for the devs, so please comment if it isn't possible. •To add risk, all purchases must be made with cash, however the Assassin will not have an inbuilt ATM like rebel. Buyers must risk carrying large amounts of cash. •As a counter to the Assassin, the APD might be allowed to "arrest" the NPC if they find him before civs do, closing him down for the rest of the cycle. This could even be made into a mini-event for APD to defend the scene as he is arrested while civilians try to disrupt the arrest (5-10 minute defense of the random location around NPC). •If added, APD might create a special charge for all contraband that is on the list, or increase the weight of "Possession of Police Equipment" to add more risk for civs who use the Assassin's Shop. Suggested Prices: (PRICES INTENDED TO BE MONEY SINKS, MAY NOT REFLECT PRACTICAL VALUE) Police Vest, NVG's, Hat, Rangemaster Clothing: $100,000 per article Black PO7 Handgun: $100,000 Black SPAR-16: $150,000 Black MK-1 (Black 7.62s): $200,000 Downing 7.62 mag(x1): $25,000 Bipod: $150,000 9mm Suppressor: $150,000 .45 ACP Suppressor: $150,000 5.56 Suppressor: $200,000 6.5 Suppressor: $250,000 7.62 Suppressor: $300,000 MOS (5x Magnification): $300,000 OTHER WEAPONS/EQUIPMENT COULD BE ADDED AT HIGHER PRICES AS FURTHER MONEY SINKS ALL LISTED ITEMS COULD BE SOLD TO THE ASSASSIN FOR THE SAME VALUE (INCENTIVE FOR THEFT OF POLICE EQUIPMENT) Justification: Late game on Asylum leaves something to be desired. There are groups and even individuals with so much money that pulling a frit is like pulling a hatchback. If this shop is added, you will see players dumping their money into these at every opportunity. Due to the limited stock and the general secrecy of the shop, it would take a very long time for any of the items to proliferate. Players who acquire a high value item would likely be less willing to risk throwing them away, saving them for major fights. Also, the remote locations would force players to actually explore the map rather than sit in one city or field all day. If any of the items on the list seem either too cheap or impossible to balance, please do not dismiss the entire concept out of hand. The concept of a secret, moving shop would get people to explore the more quiet parts of Altis, whatever is needed to balance his inventory is a welcome suggestion.
  15. Another APD captain? Multiplying like rabbits.
  16. How few is "very few". 5, 10, 20? The scarcity impacts how tight the requirements have to be.
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