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Everything posted by Ebola

  1. I want this added solely because of this guy's name and the picture at the end
  2. Ebola

    Viper Uniform?

    I made a post on this already. I asked if we could get them added and only able to wear harness vests to avoid any extra armor rating. I tested it with 9mm, 6.5mm, and 7.62s all of which have the same TTK as pilot/csats with tac vests.
  3. You WILL be getting points, and a HEFTY amount. Do NOT do it again! Do I make my self CLEAR?!
  4. Comes with everything you need to rat all of the illegal areas or run whatever you desire. Has an Unknown Plane Crash spawn 2.5km from it. Has an UFO spawn ~ 3.0km from it Great isolated location to do mobile distillery/crank. One of the best sheds on the server. *** WILL CLOSE OFFERS IN ~ 1 Week ***
  5. Ebola

    Changelog July

    Any chance the Special Purpose Suit (green hex) will be added? @Witz
  6. I like the idea however its been stated by the devs they wont be adding any of these to BH. I think the SPAR Drum mags should be available to rebels IMO
  7. Even though it took me over $100 to win the covs in the crates, it should be a donor tier item rather than a crate item. +1
  8. Peep the heli in the last pic 😉
  9. -1 Crimson just mad cuz they getting bounty hunted on the boat 🙂
  10. Ebola


    IDK bro just shooting ideas out. Maybe instead of the hefty price tag make them an illegal vehicle?? Nah not asking for armed heli lol Imagine stealing @Leroy Jenkins Pawnee
  11. Ebola


    Maybe for the APD for ranking officers but devs def wouldnt give them to rebels. Dont really see a need for rebels to have the titan anyways, cant shoot out of the ghost hawk so same as orca only used for transport/observation. This is fake news, there is no Chinese Camo Pattern even close to this one.
  12. Ebola


    Yeah they were removed because apparently civs were stacking them with coveralls. Just think adding new material in the game is always a positive.
  13. Ebola

    qol apd stuff

    echo location is a real thing though. So if I'm blindfolded and communicating with my other members/officers I can use for instance the sound of an orca flying above to possibly direct them to my location....if that makes sense.
  14. Ebola


    Messing around in the Virtual Arsenal for a few. Would like to see if any of these options can be added for both rebels/APD UC. 1. Special Purpose Suit (Green Hex & Hex) make this a 25k-45k price tag and only stackable with load-bearing vests only that do not add any additional armor value (I.E. LBV Vest, Grenadier Vest). The suit is equivalent to wearing CSAT Coveralls with a just a hint more of protection and less than or equal to pilot cov/tac vest combo. **Could also be an additional suit that can withstand radiation.** (SEE PIC BELOW) 2. For those that have the Light Combat Helmet unlocked, please add the rest of the camo variants that are avaiable please. 3. Press vest = Same armor value as Police Tac vest. (Maybe make it buyable with blood money only for rebels & not stackable with granits/coveralls) 4. Ghost Hawks. I know this topic has been visited before but if the pawnee can be added for 500m, why not add ghost hawks for 500k or something along the lines of that. Orca still has better armor rating than the Ghost Hawks and glass can be penetrated with 7.62/6.5mm
  15. Ebola

    4-Five for rebels

    The 4-Five is great side-arm and is rarely ever brought out by those who can wield it on the APD. Please add this for rebels it'd be a great QOL change.
  16. I like this, I think that for those that remember back in the day you used to get a percentage of the person's bounty when you lethaled them as opposed to processing them. I think we should bring that back.
  17. Ebola

    Governor Pardons

    No. You get 1 pardon a restart. If you're lucky enough to get the governor online and with a pardon available, should be able to give it to anyone at anytime regardless if they are in custody or not.
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