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The Monopoly Man

Retired APD Captain
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Everything posted by The Monopoly Man

  1. APD POLICY CHANGES Since school has started back up for some, there has been a noticeable difference in activities the past couple months. The LT/SGT activity requirement are being changed to accommodate this. These changes take effect October 1st. LT REQUIREMENTS 8 interviews/exams required minimum 12 Total activities required SGT REQUIREMENTS 2 ride-alongs required minimum 8 Total activities required If you have any questions or concerns, please contact myself or another Captain. -Monopoly
  2. I think recon requires 7 or 8 people responding to swat. Haven't seen it in a long time.
  3. I second this, You cannot reach the ducktape or do a time run in the obstacle course. Game breaking bug, literally unplayable.
  4. Great song choice, tired of hearing female trap music in every montage on the forums.
  5. When you find out the shed you bought 2+ years ago and never used is now only 400 meters away from the new ephedra field.
  6. Although making a ratio does sound like a good idea, I do not think it will be implemented. When people on civ can't join because of the group cap, they can still play, just not in the group. When people can't login and play cop because of the ratio cop, they will not play at all. This will hurt the asylum population even more than it currently is imo and this is what bamf doesn't want. Now I understand that it may at times may make it more unfair for the Civilians, but I'm pretty sure overall they care more about Asylum population than more cops than civs being on.
  7. What bamf said, Cops sometimes are required to be around at certain areas of the maps at some times where other non cop groups don't have to be. As much as the APD is called the largest gang on asylum, its still a cop force at the end of the day and needs to show its presence as such in the cities.
  8. For those unaware, binoculars can be used to spot hidden names in helicopters
  9. This is the reason why I buy a tron suit full of flashbangs.
  10. Skip the line and come straight to me, mk1s for a much cheaper price ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
  11. I bet someone would ask if they can switch to lethals if they downed one.
  12. Unacceptable, you're not supposed to have fun while on cop.
  13. Well we will see how it plays out, we can always change to accommodate.
  14. As an LT you should also try to spread people out sometimes if you notice it gets too clumped up in one area.
  15. No one to steal my juicy kavala bounties anymore
  16. Lets hope to god it doesn't go through the gap and hit houston again
  17. Remove the 150k cap for arrests, that is all. Really disheartening to officers when you put alot of effort into catching a 1 mil bounty to just receive a 20k payout. It's like a big "fuck your effort" basically.
  18. Best of luck to ya @bigjohn561. I live barely outside of the houston area and can understand the frustration and struggle.
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