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John Lemmon

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Everything posted by John Lemmon

  1. Proud and Paved reacting to Hazza killing two Arma 3 LEGENDS and a random kid without combat stance
  2. After Gulan time after time have been mopped by Unknown they have all started to combatlog at cartels so they wont die Proud Jimmy GONE Paved GONE 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 Dont worry Gulan I wont report you.. we know you struggle without your ESP or whatever else you losers need Keeping you online will only benefit us considering you guys are free kills anyways 😂😂😂😂😂
  3. And I would expect you to grow taller than what you were 8 years ago, but some things cant change
  4. idk what that means, but this scav has seen sunlight the past 3 weeks atleast
  5. Of course you wouldnt know how to log off Beating me with 75 hours is CRAZY because I was nolifing hahahahhaha
  6. Looks like our B team has been online the entire night to keep the passive income going for our gangbank! Paycheck might be coming your way and we will seriously consider some of you to be trial in unknown now! Unfortunately even though we looked past Prouds screeching voice to consider him, after getting shit on by a guy that is maining a swordfighting game, @Vhasj, the opportunity was lost. https://gyazo.com/a9f441c7c658ee281f7a909047d2f1df This two faced snake deleted everyone in Unknown of everything, he will still somehow find a way to message me this againa after a couple of weeks.. Especially when its time to beg for paycheck
  7. We all have our steering wheel plugged in sometimes, right Tom Martin? 😕
  8. Almost more members than cheating bans COMEON
  9. ARE YOU READING WHAT YOU ARE WRITING? HOW CAN SOMEONE REPORT A BUG WHEN ITS NOT KNOWN TO BE A BUG Brother you might be the most retarded guy I have ever argued with if you dont see how fucking wrong you are
  10. Its a difference between not knowing something that can be known and not knowing something that is impossible to know? How can you not understand that lmao
  11. The biggest value in a life server is risk vs reward. Filling the truck up with 5k storage makes him risk losing his hours of work if he gets robbed or whatever, but the reward is big if it succeeds.. Sure having 5k storage was not intended, but all of the people I talked to and played with at wipe had no idea it was a bug since we havent used trucks in years Its difference not knowing something when its IMPLEMENTED by the server. Its like opening a server, not telling about rdm rules and banning people for rdming when there would be no way to know its against the rules. I legit cant wrap my head around you guys that is actually defending them removing the money from people who used the trucks. Literal brainrot
  12. Houses should have been disabled for the first weekend in my opinion. Would have forced players to be actively doing runs and making money instead of stocking up 4 houses A really fun thing they couldve done was having no one being able to purchase houses the first week or so and then do a live auction on a stream or something selling the most attractive houses
  13. Who cares about your stupid fucking houses? Literally, what is the point of having houses when a server is dead? I cant understand some of you guys that bitch about losing your fucking houses all the time.. I have had probably every single house and shed that is worth buying on the server and also have more money than almost everyone playing this shit, but I understand a change is needed and I believe a wipe is the only change worth trying You do understand its either wipe it or dont? If there is a chance that asylum will go back pre-wipe people that is against the wipe will simply just dont play until they go back and people that wants the wipe will stop playing if they decide to go back. The shit you are saying is not only cringe but also retarded
  14. Let Unknown get their hattrick of 2. places please
  15. I must say, your accusations are not only false but also utterly ridiculous. I have never been involved in any of the absurd activities you've described, nor do I have any intention of engaging in such nonsense. It's disappointing that you would resort to baseless slander to vent your frustrations. If you have legitimate concerns, I suggest you bring them forward with evidence and in a civil manner. Until then, kindly refrain from dragging my name through the mud with your fabrications.
  16. Played with these guys for a few weeks now and holy shit they are insane at the game!! I recommend every new player to apply here!!
  17. My guy you did NOT need anyone to no balls you to crash your orcas I swear I probably have 20 gyazo clips of you crashing unintentionally
  18. you still think you can dpi in water btw
  19. You cant replace me Alec. Jihadi John, the leader of the Jihadis. The elites within the almighty FSA.
  20. In case you forgot what it looks like
  21. Can you rejects start clipping it instead of speeding it up? You dont need to prove you got it in one life, no one cares anyways
  22. Thanks for the cancer awareness
  23. No doubt you will do a great job Rogue! The boys (and Ethan) in unknown will always be here to help if u need something
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