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John Lemmon

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Everything posted by John Lemmon

  1. You're a dog in every gang you have ever been in. Go cap some turfs for the gang you brag about being in hahahhahha
  2. Funny how you mention others being dogs hahaha
  3. Show your top 10 from both before you talk shit.. I’ve played with and against most people on this server at this point and this is my opinion Proud has a really unlikeable personality, but the kid can shoot
  4. Top 10 EU 1 Rodrigo 2. Tiger 3. Luker 4. Pete 5. Jimbo 6. Oskarr 7. Bikstok 8. Connor McGregor 9. Andrew Spazeed 10. Andrewfam Top 10 NA 1. Shepurd 2. Jay 3. Ranga 4. Tye 5. Diseased 6. Lethal 7. Proud 8. Jwilly 9. Addon 10. Nomadox No particular order Dont @ me
  5. Thats like saying you're only defending the bottom floor at the bank instead of preventing them to even get close
  6. We usually shoot the cops in red zones, but I suppose your name refers to your ingame abilities
  7. Ceo of respawn screen cant counter spikestrips I see
  8. This kid tanked my mar-10 shot smh https://gyazo.com/9c706cfafc5b475952feca43f28fa541
  9. Just remove ifrit smokes from the server.. they arent used for anything but exploiting rn
  10. just like asylum when they fix something.. Fixes something in kavala and suddenly prison is broken
  11. Addon took his montage down for a reason
  12. I can add you back if you struggle with friends buddy
  13. https://gyazo.com/47e692eee16051ffe40ae3d7f26eae23
  14. Might actually be better than the last one to be honest
  15. Let me join. I have godlike aim irl, trust
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