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Everything posted by Monkeysz

  1. Why are you doing this again xD <3
  2. Screaming at some poor kid when he himself cant get a kill
  3. My wallet is very expandable
  4. I'm... im... disappointed I thought you would have taught them better by now @Alec-I
  5. Still shocked a requirement isn`t a mass suicide vesting... But Nice Video
  6. Monkeysz

    h1z1 clips

    Not bad William hit me up when you want to play
  7. https://gyazo.com/e70aa95007b878693f075d8db0e51eb2
  8. I used to spend more on hatches than guns but thats because I blew them up
  9. Yes but a more steady rate
  10. Monkeysz

    Good bye

    Cya @Leslie Oh wait your in my Olympus gang
  11. I'll just say this group cap shit servers Main rotor script
  12. Not bad wubz but your still a toxic piece of shit
  13. Nice Montage Jay, I knew you could pay someone for old clips with your name edited in
  14. With the lack of fights I'll be dead before then
  15. Yh shame there wont be as many fights I think this might be my last not sure though depends on how gang life goes.
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