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Everything posted by zdeat

  1. apd only lost because i was on the bench
  2. pretty sure bbgreg owns this...
  3. 3-5 maybe Ive got stuff in it too. not a lot but some stuff
  4. I have a 3 crate in abdera that can see front door of distil. 300m away i think it is.
  5. offer, and it takes less than a minute to get to rebel by car.
  6. https://gyazo.com/0f0fdb0a63537745c6620a3679272aa5 Industrial Shed
  7. zdeat

    The Gang Trials

    zdeats gonna make a tage
  8. here’s a fix to federal events, limit cop slots to 3 so nothing can start
  9. Trying to get a buddy of mine to buy my Athira house, will hit you up when its sold
  10. Desync starts to get bad after 120
  11. 😞 took away my verbal, cant have shit in altis... @Max Shorefield ty for corporal ❤️
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