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FORMER Asylum Owner - old
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Everything posted by BaDaBiNg_10-8

  1. It will be fixed youngster, calm your tits.
  2. I’ve never had a filter for ignorant comments. You should know better.
  3. When you stop talking through your nose, I might actually listen.
  4. BaDaBiNg_10-8

    Been Fun

    Take care Tony. 28!
  5. Trust me, we are fully aware of everyone’s frustration and it’s echoed on our side ten fold. We are two months in to this new endeavor and we are diligently working to resolve these issues (host and mission file). You may not see what happens in the background, but rest assured we are actively working on every possible solution to rectify these issues ASAP. @Clint Beastwood and I didn’t take over Asylum to watch it fall to the wayside. We are being as transparent as possible and trying to solve these issues as quickly as possible. Thank you for your continued support and faith. I promise you ALL that we WILL get these hiccups resolved. Cheers!
  6. Outstanding work @Alec-I. When @Clint Beastwood and I tasked @Leadywith starting this competition for a featured video, this was exactly what we requested. The competition is still on-going, however whoever is up against you has some BIG shoes to fill. Cheers!
  7. Pretty boring game and the commercials were about as bad as listening to @Scott in TS.
  8. If you have evidence of cops blocking vehicle spawns, send it to me I will personally handle it.
  9. So how is that any different from what the cops do now? I didn't hear any of this complaining before you joined defiant or whatever cartel gang you're in the last month or so. I mean we have SIX rebels to gear up at now, I don't see cops camping (hiding in buildings) unless you're seeing something I'm not.
  10. You mean kinda like what you and your brother were doing three weeks ago on cop? Remember the A-10 Warthog I called in on you guys.
  11. What did you do, have a cadet oil your legs during briefing or maybe give you a pedicure?
  12. Lol, maybe he should take the 850k offer now.
  13. Yikes, 80k to kill three cops and the two of you.
  14. That's exactly why we are not bringing it back. I was around when that was going on. Sorry Chip.
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