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Riot INC

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  1. Riot INC liked a post in a topic by goyney in -ア- Goyneyyy | Montage #12 | PRIME V2   
    Another Montage
    Again, I would like to make them longer but my 2mb up internet disagree's...
    Hope you all enjoy 
    Feedback appreciated
    Thanks for the fights also FSA
  2. Riot INC liked a post in a topic by Ryang_000 in Red = Dead   
  3. Riot INC liked a post in a topic by Sneaky in How.   
    Personally if I wanted to join a gang to fight cartels then I would go on cop and fight them. Fight the gang you want to join as a cop because they can get a feel for your skill and presence and also a judge of your character from the RP. This may not work with all gangs but respect from being a good challenge as a cop could go towards helping you out. Otherwise I would suggest joining a smaller gang or one with less stringent entrance requirements to gain some cartel experience (and once again fight the other gangs to get your name out there). 
  4. Riot INC liked a post in a topic by Boris in How.   
    I got into my first cartel gang because I didn't back down from fights against them while on cop.
    The APD should be your first gang.
  5. BlackShot liked a post in a topic by Riot INC in why all this hate?   
  6. Potato liked a post in a topic by Riot INC in War Rating Rankings Broken?   
    Please fix this page. I like seeing all my hardwork capping cartels at 5 AM 

  7. PhizX liked a post in a topic by Riot INC in Olympus Rat   
    Welcome! Never played on Olympus but glad to know it isn't fun
  8. Riot INC liked a post in a topic by PhizX in Olympus Rat   
    Hello there everyone, just stoppin by to introduce myself. Been playing Olympus for about 2 and a half years now, got really tired of the shitty cartel fights and tanking on Olympus, so I decided to give Asylum a shot. In over 5k hours of Arma 3 I thought I'd never end up playing Asylum, but here I am. Some may know me from fighting on Olympus(or the past couple days on Asylum) some may not, but regardless I think you guys will be seeing a lot more of me in the upcoming weeks. It's been going good so far playing with Tenacity and I've enjoyed it far more than I've Olympus. 
    Latest Montage- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pyCNBKumFLo
    Olympus Gangs- Titans, MC Current: Regicide(Some may know it as Oceanus/Centurion)
    Thanks guys, hope you all had a Merry Christmas(or Happy Holidays). 
  9. Riot INC liked a post in a topic by Sneaky in Happy Holidays Everyone!   
    Did you just assume my holiday? 
  10. Riot INC liked a post in a topic by Das Otter in Weapon crafting materials   
    A box truck + backpack can hold the materials required to make 4.8 mk1s, which would cost about 52k on a good day at rebel. A coke run in the same truck gives you more money, while taking way less time. So youre way better off making money other ways and buying the mk1s at rebel yourself. 
    I propose we cut the materials required to make weapons as there is 0 incentive to craft them (barely anybody does) making weapons personally should yield more guns than you would be able to buy in the same time doing other altis money making techniques, as that is the whole point of crafting weapons.
    And lets be real....1 coke for 1 magazine? Why even add that
  11. Johnny liked a post in a topic by Riot INC in Happy Holidays Everyone!   
    Merry Christmas! I hope everyone can go do things so I can make money on Tanoa! YAY!
  12. BioHazard liked a post in a topic by Riot INC in Happy Holidays Everyone!   
    Merry Christmas! I hope everyone can go do things so I can make money on Tanoa! YAY!
  13. Ruiz liked a post in a topic by Riot INC in well void called me a rat for bounty hunting and this hapend.........   
    They always do this. Call people rats for sitting in donor or camping rebel yet that's all they do.
  14. Brendon Smith liked a post in a topic by Riot INC in well void called me a rat for bounty hunting and this hapend.........   
    They always do this. Call people rats for sitting in donor or camping rebel yet that's all they do.
  15. Quickz liked a post in a topic by Riot INC in Quickz Montage #4   
    Nice tage captain.
  16. Riot INC liked a post in a topic by Quickz in Quickz Montage #4   
    I hope you enjoy my 4th montage
  17. Riot INC liked a post in a topic by Boris in Victory in Tanoa!   
    A message from Rogue and the Boys to the citizens of Altis and Tanoa
    Please, be seated.
    My name is Boris and I am a member of the elite anti-drug task force known only as Rogue and the Boys.
    When Rogue came to Tanoa, he was shocked. Cocaine druglords ran the island, white gold keeping the island in the grip of terror.
    He could not stand idly by and watch corrupt port officials traffic this foul powder to Altis, to be cut down and sold to his friends.
    He observed the enemy. The top rung in the ladder, known only as Rami, nicknamed "McChicken", for his love of chicken, was a Syrian rebel, an influential figure once reknowned for his ability to track down criminals of the "Space Turtles" street gang. But money corrupts all, and Rami was the same. Bribes, cocaine profits, and untimely fate shot Rami's funds into the millions easily. With such a bank roll funding the newly created street gang "Turtle Hunters", he turned them to running cocaine for him.
    And thus, Turtle Hunters took control of the supply chain, and cocaine flowed free. Any contenders to the throne were quickly assimilated into the gang, enjoying the benefits of being a controlling force on the island.
    Seemingly untouchable, the Tanoan police department cried out for help.
    And Rogue answered.
    Elysium was a big force on Altis, and Rogue selected the fine few he knew he could trust, creating a team that could trust and fight alongside each other.
    Boris, Eli, Rogue, Jimbo, along with frequent visitors from Altis, who would take up arms to fight the good fight.
    Cocaine trucks were ambushed, .50 caliber offroads were deployed, gang members were slain in high numbers.
    But all this did was slow down the tide of white terror, more had to be done.
    Jimbo, the public relations office for RatB, spoke to the local police. With his help, an evidence locker was installed at the checkpoint, including state of the art prison airlift transport. No more would officers lose their lives to ambushes attempting to transport criminals!
    Rogue and Eli set the town of Nandai on fire, a blaze of bullets and lead shredding through everything that stood, forcing Turtle Hunters to retreat from their homeland.
    With such opposition, Nandai was abandoned, and a new operation set up north, in the forest, away from the war that was happening further south.
    Boris played with smoke, creating enemies where friends once were. Sowing seeds of discord within the Turtle Hunters, equipping and funding rebellions within the ranks, and even corrupting once watchful guards, and in some cases, corrupting the leaders themselves.
    With such actions against the Turtle Hunters being so public, others on the island rose up, fighting against their oppressors.
    And now, finally, under so much weight, Turtle Hunters has collapsed.
    My friends, we have secured a victory.
    Of course, more work remains to be done. Rami's iron grip on the island is lessened, but many are loyal to him, and his forces are still large.
    I urge you, Altis citizens, and Tanoan rebels, pick up a gun and head into the cocaine forests today. One bullets makes a difference.
    Members of the APD, I urge you, request a transfer to Tanoa, pick up your gun, and start bringing these blatant criminals to justice.
    We have victory, my friends, but together, we can free Tanoa from the corruption of cocaine!
  18. lukee liked a post in a topic by Riot INC in J A I L E D - Recruitment Open [S1-S4]   
    I hope this gang fails and bounty hunting is removed.
  19. Revenant liked a post in a topic by Riot INC in J A I L E D - Recruitment Open [S1-S4]   
    I hope this gang fails and bounty hunting is removed.
  20. Cougar. liked a post in a topic by Riot INC in When ATF fights at cartels against S.G.S   
    When Randoms Fight Cartels*
  21. Riot INC liked a post in a topic by Crunchedd in Crunchedd Montage #2   
    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x5QVOB74slU Enjoy :)))
  22. Riot INC liked a post in a topic by Jamal in Sup guys   
    Name's Josh. I've played Asylum for almost 2 1/2 - 3 years now on and off.
    Never made an introduction post, so here it is. I enjoy fighting cops , cartels , turfs & making that $$. 
    Idk what else to put here, free +1's
  23. Riot INC liked a post in a topic by AndrewFam in First Montage   
    Classic banger
  24. Vendetta007 liked a post in a topic by Riot INC in First Montage   
    First Montage. Enjoy
  25. Riot INC liked a post in a topic by Kevin Miller in First Montage   
    10/10 Man! <3 Hope to see more in the future
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